Boutonniere Deformity and holding reins!

Any one deal with this? Especially in Dressage! My injury is fairly new and I still have some hope that it might heal completely, but as time goes by the hope is getting slimmer and slimmer! Any success stories from other riders?

which finger?

I hope this is a dumb question but have you seen a hand specialist?

I’m asking this because my GP thought that I had one and after 6 months of splints, PT x rays and an MRI the hand specialist operated on it to discover that I had torn the volar plate.
He could not get it to stop dislocating so he had to pin it. The PIP joint has maybe 10 degrees of motion and is fixed at just about a 90 degree angle.

There is no hyper extension and it’s my middle finger on my left hand so it really doesn’t affect my riding though he said it does impair my communication skills. I also fumble and drop things sometimes

It’s the little finger on my left hand. I had several broken fingers, but the little one got messed up especially well. It was broken, dislocated and has the torn tendon. Everything seems to be healing well, besides that pesky tendon. The DIP is still very swollen and bend. There was hyperextension in the PIP, but I have been working on getting movement back in the PIP joint which seemed to help the hyperextension. There’s still some there though and movement is minimal at this time.

I saw a physical therapist about 2 weeks ago with instructions from the Ortho Doc to fit me for a Ringsplint. For some reason she didn’t want to do this, couldn’t really answer my questions and in general didn’t inspire a lot of confidence. Then I found out my (minimal) insurance doesn’t cover physical therapy, so I didn’t go back! :frowning:

I had a ring splint for a while. I have maybe 45 degrees ROM in my DIP