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Braiding or plaiting

LOL, braiding keeps my sword from getting all tangled up. Very convenient.

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I started sewing in my braids this year with waxed thread (after a COTH recommendation). It has made my braids both neater and more secure. I highly recommend, and it hardly takes me any more time than rubber banding.

I started out in (local, non-rated) hunters so that’s how I learned to braid. As an adult I’ve tried to switch to button braids with bands but I’m really inconsistent. Sometimes they come out great and sometimes crappy. So I often fall back to hunter style with yarn - but thicker and longer, they would not fly in a real hunter ring.

I know I should just keep practicing my rubber bands, they are definitely a lot easier to take out.

I also wish I could get the hang of braiding a forelock. It always looks messy.