breaking and starting forum?

I don’t know if this has been discussed before but I was wondering if there has been thought to a breaking/starting forum where people can discuss problems and or give advice about starting their young horses? It seems after a certain age it’s easy to move into a discipline but that basic first training falls into a class of it’s own. Thank you for listening!

check the sticky on the dressage forums and also how to long line in driving forums which wil help you if in doubt ask

Thanks so much for the suggestion! We actually have a “wish list/suggestion box” thread stickied in Off Course right now, and that same idea has been brought up there.

We don’t have immediate plans to add any forums to the main discussion area, but input like yours will help us determine where/if there’s the most need.

In the meantime, play around with the search feature–>click “advanced search” to look through past thread titles or posts for training terms of interest, as related threads are likely spread around amongst Off Course and SHB.

We appreciate the input!
Mod 1

Ya know… that would be a great forum to have! Can we start a stickie where at least people could get each other’s names/emails?? Then we would have people to bounce ideas off of…? Just an idea!

Finding someone to break a horses

Where would be the best place to locate a reputable person to break horses in Virginia?

Your local co-op. The 4-H office. Your vet. Your farrier. Watch the folks at your next show, find the horses whose behavior/manners you like, ask the rider.

Good luck! sylvia

spot a well behaved animal out in public and ask about him…generally the owners/riders are flattered someone notices a nice horse (too many times the stooopid ninnies get all the press :lol:) and are more than happy to tell you who trains/trained them…

the proof is in the pudding as it were…and the tequilla of course

Great forum idea!

Great forum idea![/QUOTE]

I agree, that would be a great forum idea! :winkgrin: