So I took the plunge - I finally ordered myself a custom saddle and am now waiting for it to be built and sent to me. Exciting!
I’ve never had a brand new saddle and have always purchased used saddles that have already been ridden many miles. My saddle is a half breed Wade - roughout seat, jockey and fenders with tooled leather everywhere else. Traditionally, I’ve heard of cowboys dumping their saddle in a pond or water trough and riding it dry - I did this with my boots and it worked well - but would it be safe for my saddle?
I don’t mind if the rough out darkens or I have to bring up the nap again. The saddle itself will be a medium oil, so water spots won’t be as apparent as they would be on a lighter oil.
Is dumping it in water something I could do to help it form to my body, or should I just stick some bandages on my knees, tough it out and wrap the fenders so they turn? How do YOU break in your new western saddles?