Breast Reduction - 1 yr ago! Update #40

Thank you both. :). I slept most of yesterday and I think it helped. When I woke up, I called and spoke to my surgeon. He assured me everything I’m feeling is normal and what I can expect to feel over the next couple of weeks. Like you say, he said everyone heals differently & to stop listening to everyone else. Listen to my body. :slight_smile:

He also gave me another prescription for more painkillers so I can stay ahead of the pain now - which is also helping. This pain is so different than my other experience. With ribs, I hurt and I knew I hurt. I didn’t want to feel any of it lol! This one is more sneaky. I feel fine (uncomfortable yes), and then suddenly OW!

No drains Susan - he told me why he stopped them a few years ago, but I can’t remember. He did say I can keep the surgical tape on my incisions another week, which I’m glad to do!

I’m not really worried about scars as it’s just so nice to have smaller ladies lol!

I managed a shower today and took a look - they look better than they’ve been feeling lately! Bruising is almost gone and the gluey stuff from the bandages and tape is gone. I can power through this. They’re going to be so lovely. :smiley:

Thanks for listening!

FWIW I had breast reduction without the lipo and the recovery was very easy. However I would rather have had a more difficult recovery to get rid of the underarm sausages.

Underarm sausages!! I love it. I’ve been trying to explain to friends why I had the lipo done and why my surgeon does it. That is the best!

My Mom noticed it and I can see it too now that the swelling has gone down a wee bit so worth it in the long run.

Can you go back and have it done now?

It sounds like your recovery is right on track…There will be considerable soreness, inner aching and pain for some time, and it will take up to a year to have the girls looking like they should.

I’ll be honest here, I’m a “elder” of reduction surgery. I had mine when I was a late 16 YO, waaaaay back in 1980. I will be 50 next week. I don’t remember what size I was, but I lost 12 pounds immediately! I was HUGE!! I’m now a very nice 36C.

Things I DO remember-DO NOT do any strenuous activities without your Dr’s approval. I know it can be very tempting to get back to riding, but the inner healing/stitches, etc., can pull, tear, and stretch, and you will be unhappy with the end results. NO heavy lifting, arms stretched above your head, for as long as you can avoid it!!

I am 34 years out from surgery, and my latest OB/GYN was very impressed with my results these many years later. I have had 2 children, yes, nursing was too difficult due to “crimped” ducts, so had to switch to formula with both kids…one downside. They are still round and firm, scars are a minimal pink, slightly raised…a little wide on the sides-under the armpits, but I still got nice lookin’ cleavage!!

And as far as men, none I dated-except one, who was a jerk, cared. My DH has always loved me just the way I am, we’ve been together 25+ years now.

Good Luck with your recovery!

Your message was very comforting spurgirl, thank you! Especially, the inner ache comment. This feeling started this past Sunday and it has been difficult to explain the feeling to those around me. It feels awful and more so when I walk. At least I know it’s a normal part of healing now. Hopefully, it diminishes a bit by the time I have to go back to work.

Definitely won’t be rushing back to riding. I want to be as healed as I can be. I’m thinking maybe June based on how I feel now. Your mention of not lifting my arms up sure hit home last night. I had a good day and wanted out of the house so we went downtown to eat. When I got home, I opened the closet door to put my coat in and it came off the track. Before I even thought about it, I reached up to put it back. Omg. Big mistake. I felt the stretch under my armpit and along the side of my breast. I hope to gawd that I didn’t do any damage. Today I’m doing nothing to try and help that area out - it’s sore and feels pulled and I sort of have “pinging” pain feelings every so often. Trying not to freak out. Stupid. So annoyed at myself. I will def pay more attention now!

12 lbs wow!! Makes my 4 look measly lol! That must have felt so much better! :slight_smile:

My bf assures me he will be fine with my new look. I know he means that, but there is a part of me that worries he’s just saying this and doesn’t like the new me. That’s me just being silly though.

We did have a chuckle at dinner…there is nothing to catch my crumbs anymore lol!! :slight_smile:

Thanks again!

We did have a chuckle at dinner…there is nothing to catch my crumbs anymore lol!! :slight_smile:

OMG, I forgot how excited I was when food landed in my lap instead of my “shelf”.

Do take it easy. No reason to rush anything. I didn’t have too much pain but occasionally I got some real “shooters” which stopped me in my tracks for a few seconds. Luckily those dissipated and disappeared after about 2 weeks. My surgeon told me she really didn’t care if I rode. She was much more concerned about handling the horse and having her abruptly pull on me…much more damage to stitches. I was a good girl and for 6 weeks simply went out and patted her on the nose:wink grin:.


i had breast reduction done 20 years ago. Best thing I ever did and the girls still look good. I kept one of my old bras just to remind me why I did it. Occasionally I’ll come accross them in the bottom of my underwear drawer and I marvel at how big they are. Going forward it made riding so much easier, especially the sitting trot. Good luck with your recovery.

Lol! Just pet her…wink, grin. :smiley:

I’m trying my best to take it easy. It’s getting a bit old though…my house is getting boring! I’m a bit freaked out that I did something to my right one when I tried to put the closet door back on its tracks. That one has more inner ache than the other and if I rub the skin, I can feel the pain underneath. Oh wait. I can feel that for both so maybe not a big deal. It’s not excruciating omg I need drugs pain though so I guess that’s a good thing. I’d prob know if I pulled a stitch out so I’m telling myself I clearly strained under my arm and that side…worse case is I set the healing back a day or two & the inner ache is them putting themselves back together. Right???

We won’t even talk about the hyper sensitivity holy crap! :slight_smile:

Kafue - I haven’t thrown my old bras out yet, but I will prob keep one for that reason. I did take a pic of the big minimizer one I wore with the post surgical bra above it. That got a wowza from my mom and sister lol!

A bit of good news is I showed my bf finally. “They’re so nice and cute!” I’ll take that. :). That’s a hurdle I’m relieved to have jumped. :slight_smile:

Thanks again for listening. Tomorrow I go out to run a few errands needed for my return to work. Hopefully it goes well.

FF, I’m sure you’re probably fine…just gave yourself a little tweak in there. As I said before, you will have some soreness for some time to come.

When you go out do NOT “run”:no: LOL, if you jiggle them, they will hurt:yes: Please take your time, and good luck as you get back into your normal routine!

Lmao! Nope, I did not run. :slight_smile:

Had a good day…managed to try on some shirts. What an experience - brought tears to my eyes to have shirts fit so nicely! And, all this discomfort is worth seeing an actual figure in the mirror rather than the boxy, big square I was.

Yippee!! Think I will go visit my horse on Tues for some safe hugs and cookies. :slight_smile:

Hi everyone! Thought I’d check in and give an update, plus, keeping this thread as a journal in case a friend of mine decides to have the surgery as well. Then, I can look back and assure her things are fine. :slight_smile:

I was back to work last week. Managed two days in the office; the rest I worked from home b/c it was just too much. The drive in was just too bumpy and by 3 pm, I was tired and sore. This week I’m also at home, but may try to get in for a day.

This past weekend I did lots! Spent Saturday with my Mom - we went to an Open House, the mall to buy a bra, dinner and a movie. Sunday, we went grocery shopping, visited a friend and tidied up our deck. I’m a bit sore today, but not how I expected to be! So, definite progress.

I keep having to buy a new bra b/c they get tight in the band. Just bought two Bali no wire bra’s that I should have just bought at the get go. Comfy, supportive and the band doesn’t rub the incisions (since I took the tape off last weekend). It’s funny that I still have to buy an XL lol!

They look SO good! I love them! Bruising is almost gone; it’s only on the bottom and a bit around the nipple (yellow). Still tender and the sides are still swollen and a bit hard, but I have noticed some softening overall. The inside ache has diminished greatly as well. I let my hubby touch them the other day, “Oh! They are nice!” lol! He did say he’s happy that I am so happy so more good there. :slight_smile:

Go back for my final PS appt next Tuesday. He’ll take my after pic, give me silicone gel for the scarring and let me know how it’s going and I guess what to expect for the final stretch.

I’m SO happy I did this. I can’t believe how much this has changed my appearance. The oversized versions I had took up so much real estate and made me look so much bigger than I really am. Think I might like looking in mirrrors again soon - have gained a bit of a belly from the inactivity. Trying not to worry about that as I can get back to weight watchers and everything I normally do (RIDE!) soon and that will go away.

Anyhow, again thanks everyone for listening and helping me through this! :slight_smile:

3 months out!! And, I just have to say this - I LOVE MY IBT’s!!! :smiley: :smiley:

The aches are gone, the stitches should be dissolved by now, and they look & feel like real breasts! I bought my first “real” post surgical bra about 3 weeks ago & ended up being so pleased. The choice of bra’s that I can now wear was actually overwhelming. I don’t need to wear underwire anymore (and prefer not to at the moment), and my new size…holy cow!

I was a 38DD and now I’m a 36B - with them being waaaay more asymmetrical as my left was twice the size of the right. I was expecting to end up around a C, but I am loving a B. I gained a bit of weight in my tummy from recuperating, but got back on my horse two weeks ago & am back on WW so that should take care of itself soon.

Went to a wedding last weekend and bought an off the shoulder dress…and rocked it. Never, ever would have done that before.

I freaking love wearing tank tops now too. Bought a whole bunch to go with my jammy pants and feel so good in them. I’d wear them all the time now if I could lol!

The scars are fading each week (still using Dermatix), and not as raised as they were. So, just taking care of them now. Even if they never fade more than they are now, I’ll be just fine with how I look.

Anyone still pondering it, all I can say is go for it! It’s beyond words how much better I feel about myself. Silly that I didn’t really before, but I really thought I was fat. Turns out not at all, the ladies just had way to much real estate on my small frame lol!




I’m glad that you are doing well!

Great update, I love coming late to stories and getting the start middle and (kind of) end!

Congrats on your new girls!

Kinda glad I stumbled upon this post. :smiley:

I’ve been seriously toying with the idea of getting a reduction for awhile now. I wear a G cup and they are such an inconvenience.

The extra weight/pull sure doesn’t help me when my RA is acting up.

There are different pain killers; some of which deal with “phantom limb”:eek: nerve pain and plasticity:yes:; you and your MD may have to look around a bit until you find the combo that works for you;:yes: keep at it

Thanks everyone! :slight_smile:

Kinda glad I stumbled upon this post. :smiley:

I’ve been seriously toying with the idea of getting a reduction for awhile now. I wear a G cup and they are such an inconvenience.

The extra weight/pull sure doesn’t help me when my RA is acting up.[/QUOTE]

I would definitely recommend a consult at the very least. Can’t hurt to do that much & then you can see how it would help, and if there would be any issues with surgery and RA. I used to have a lot of discomfort across the middle of my back that I thought was my office job or from breaking all my ribs. Nope. I could tell a few days after surgery, it had been my breasts. Words cannot describe how nice it is not to feel that anymore.

Depending on where you are in Ontario, I could give you my surgeon’s name. He came very well recommended and I love his work so wouldn’t hesitate to give it to you. :slight_smile:


So, had to share a funny story! November will be month 7 since my surgery. Doing very well - had some discomfort in September, but was just my lipo areas settling. Still best thing I have done. :smiley:

Went shopping to the outlets a few weeks ago and found a Triumph store. Used to be my favourite brand in college. I found this really pretty bra & was trying to find my size. Lady comes over to help, asks me my size, I tell her, she replies, “Oh, this line doesn’t start that low.” I burst out laughing! I explained the irony of that comment to her and she started to laugh too! I’m a B now, and that bra line starts at D. I did ask her where that line was 8 months ago. :wink:

She brought me a tee shirt bra, which I flat out refused telling her I wore boring for soooo long. Bring me LACE! I left with 4 pretty, pretty things. It’s been awhile since I’ve owned that many at once lol!

I’ve also started running - aiming for a 5K in the spring/summer. I always thought I hated running. Turns out it was more I hated running with all that extra weight. Ugh.

My surgeon sent me my before and after pics. Another ugh for before and a weeeee for after! :slight_smile:


Holy cow! It’s my boobivesary!! One year ago already!

Still absolutely no regrets. They felt a bit funny in January, which I now attribute to their final settling in stage. :slight_smile: I had some numbness in one area where I had the lipo done, but that has resolved itself as well. This may be TMI, but I feel I should be totally transparent for everyone reading this thread. I woudn’t say my nipples are more sensitive for canoeing. I was never really fond of that before - they were too big and I usually had no feeling at all anyway. Now, what I do feel, I don’t particularly enjoy. It’s not comfortable or arousing at all. That could just be me though & absolutely does not change my mind regarding my decision.

For fun, here are just a few (b/c I could make a very, very long list) pro’s and con’s for this surgery:

-Buying nice bra’s and normal shirts!!
-I don’t have to move anything to shave my legs!
-I can run and even like it! (5K planned for September)
-Can answer the door now without running upstairs to put on a bra or a baggy shirt
-Sitting trot is much less unpleasant and my entire seat/balance on my horse is SO much better and easier
-I can stand straight!
-No more back pain!

-Crumbs fall down my cleavage now instead of my shelf lol
-I want to re-take every picture of me for the past 15 years. I didn’t notice it so much before surgery, but now, holy boob batman.
-Without my “shelf,” I can see my tummy when I’ve put on a little extra like this long, long, cold winter. I would prefer not seeing that lol!

Pro’s definitely outweight the con’s! Not really a con, but I think it was more grief or sadness at what I had lost - I was shopping for lingerie for Xmas for Mr. FF and I put something on that I would never ever have tried before. To my utter shock, I couldn’t really fill out the top. I struggled with that a little bit. I’d never go back, but that was the first time I felt sad. My sister was with me at the time…she gave me a consolation hug & then brought me something with a wire and padded. We were back in business, but it was very surreal to need a boost in that area. Mr FF didn’t notice whatsoever lol!

So, that is my journey. Wouldn’t change a thing and thanks for listening along the way! :slight_smile:
