Breast Reduction - 1 yr ago! Update #40

Thank you for updating :smiley: My insurance just came through and approved my reduction. Iā€™ve been fighting to get it approved for five years, finally new insurance company approved it. I had this, ā€œYESSSSSSSSSS, this is really going to happenā€ moment, followed by, ā€œOh sh!T, this is really happening!ā€ I canā€™t decide if Iā€™m excited or scared out of my mind, lol. The goal is to go from a J cup to a very full C/comfy D.

Congratulations! Thatā€™s great news! Excited and scared sound at the same time sounds about right!

I would love to hear how it goes for you if you want to share. :slight_smile:


Congratulations! Thatā€™s great news! Excited and scared sound at the same time sounds about right!

I would love to hear how it goes for you if you want to share. :slight_smile:


Iā€™d be happy to!

Iā€™m finally going for some consults to find my surgeon. I had a disc replaced in my neck last year and then fell off my horse in Florida this winter and got a compression fracture in my neck but now Iā€™m ready to get this done if my spine surgeon tells me the neck fracture is healed. Iā€™m so damn tired of hurting. Iā€™m going to Dr Heppe in Fredericksburg and Dr Hess in Fairfax for consults. Anyone had work from these surgeons? When would I expect to go back to an office job postop and how long until I can ride and jump? Thanks

2 weeks from Monday. Iā€™m starting to get a bit nervous, and I honestly canā€™t believe this is really happening.

2 weeks from Monday. Iā€™m starting to get a bit nervous, and I honestly canā€™t believe this is really happening.[/QUOTE]

Yay! Thatā€™s great! :slight_smile:

Yes, I remember that feeling too. I was a mess before surgery. Worried and stressed. Thinking of pretty bras and being able to walk around the house without one would help. That a do my bf giving me a hug and saying ā€œItā€™s going to be fine.ā€

Are you also getting lipo for your sides?


I think so. Iā€™ll be honest, I was so overwhelmed at the time I didnā€™t ask, but I will in the pre-op.

The pretty bras (and show clothes) are my sole thought when I get nervous now, lol.

Definitely ask as I think youā€™ll like the results even more with it.

Itā€™s going to be great! 2 point will also be much easier lol :wink:


How DOES riding change after? I was thinking starting back with lunge lessons (so no pulling on the arms risk, aside from re-figuring out my balance).

Be sure to not start riding again too quickly. Let your body heal. You might find that your balance has changed and your body has to (structurally) acclimate to the change. It should be easier to sit taller and straighter and keep your shoulders back but it might take a while to get used to it. Your body (neck, shoulders, abs) might even be sore for a while while you get used to your new alignment.

If if you have a horse who is generally calm and quiet Iā€™d start off by just walking around the arena on a loose rein to see how it feels. Be sure to wear a really supportive bra until youā€™re thoroughly healed. It takes a long time. For your scars to finish healing and if you bounce and that pulls on the scars, it could cause them to stretch and widen.

Pretty much what THN said. :slight_smile:

I had my surgery April 2 and, if I recall correctly, didnā€™t get back on my horse until mid-June. I made sure to have a new sports bra that fit well and my friend offered to tack up for me for a few lessons. I think I took her up on it for the rest of June b/c, by July, my internal stitches had dissolved. I most likely could have tacked up, but hey, why not take the help if itā€™s offfered? :slight_smile:

As for actual riding, I was able to pick up exactly where Iā€™d left off from my lesson the night before my surgery. But, the disclaimer here is that I wasnā€™t doing much to begin with and it was only once a week. So, if you do more than that and actually jump, do strenuous riding, listen to your body and youā€™ll know what you feel comfortable doing.

For me, coming back after that long and not missing a beat was the indication that I was definitely ready for a new trainer and some actual learning. Which could be a thread in its own right lol!


I ride Arabians, and I was for sure planning on staying off the saddleseat ones for a bit, lol. Actually, the horse Iā€™m probably going to start back on is my trainerā€™s western pleasure stallion (who is the quietest, gentlest horse ever). He wouldnā€™t hurt a fly, and is quieter than either of mine by FAR.

5 days, and Iā€™m in full-on freakout. I know mentally thatā€™s normal, and that Iā€™m going to be pissed at myself if I back out now (and I donā€™t plan to), but itā€™s really, really hard to think about this. And recoveryā€¦ I donā€™t think it helps that I have an endometriosis excision scheduled 8 days after, but I can only take so much time off work :frowning: Iā€™m sure Iā€™ll be sitting here in a couple months totally thrilled with life. But itā€™s super hard to stay focused on the long-term right now. I am almost more excited for the end of feeling like a wreck than I am about IBTā€™s, lol.

Good luck with your surgery, MyssMyst. Iā€™m sure that, like FourFaults and everyone I know who has had breast reduction, youā€™re going to be very happy with the result.

Thanks :slight_smile: Iā€™m feeling better again after my pre-op. I know in three months Iā€™m going to be ridiculously happy. Iā€™ve been on muscle relaxers to help with the back pain, and I tried going withoutā€¦ Oh holy hell, I got a real quick reminder WHY Iā€™m doing this :stuck_out_tongue:

One day post op, and wow things look different! Horribly sore, but alive.

One day post op, and wow things look different! Horribly sore, but alive.[/QUOTE]

Yay! You made it! Welcome to the IBT club! Sore is definitely normal as is the ā€œfrankenboobā€ look. I remember that - scared myself into thinking why the hell did I do this?! When you see your rib cage for the first time makes you happy again though.

When I was at the end of my healing, there was a commercial for Kirstie Allieā€™s short lived show where John Travolta was guest starring. In the clip, he kissed his biceps and said ā€œThese puppies are sick!ā€ I loved it! I cupped my new IBTs and said the same thing lol! They still are and so will yours! :smiley:

Yay! You made it! Welcome to the IBT club! Sore is definitely normal as is the ā€œfrankenboobā€ look. I remember that - scared myself into thinking why the hell did I do this?! When you see your rib cage for the first time makes you happy again though.

When I was at the end of my healing, there was a commercial for Kirstie Allieā€™s short lived show where John Travolta was guest starring. In the clip, he kissed his biceps and said ā€œThese puppies are sick!ā€ I loved it! I cupped my new IBTs and said the same thing lol! They still are and so will yours! :D[/QUOTE]

Yes, I hit that point today :smiley:

The bandage change wasnā€™t too bad. Not sure why, but thereā€™s very little bruising. Iā€™m so happy with my new boobs, and I canā€™t get over how wonderful they are. Iā€™m obsessed, lol. Thank you for starting this awesome thread, itā€™s been a lifesaver through this journey for me :smiley: I choked on air the first night because breathing was suddenly MUCH easier than usual and I got a ton more air for the same effort. Mr. Myst laughed hard. And the happy moment today was realizing those Fruit of teh Loom bras my surgeon okā€™d for post-op use are less than 10 bucks. I was sooooooo confused. Iā€™ve never had a bra that cheap!

Yes, I hit that point today :smiley:

The bandage change wasnā€™t too bad. Not sure why, but thereā€™s very little bruising. Iā€™m so happy with my new boobs, and I canā€™t get over how wonderful they are. Iā€™m obsessed, lol. Thank you for starting this awesome thread, itā€™s been a lifesaver through this journey for me :smiley: I choked on air the first night because breathing was suddenly MUCH easier than usual and I got a ton more air for the same effort. Mr. Myst laughed hard. And the happy moment today was realizing those Fruit of teh Loom bras my surgeon okā€™d for post-op use are less than 10 bucks. I was sooooooo confused. Iā€™ve never had a bra that cheap![/QUOTE]

I remember I had more bruising from the surgeon doing lipo on my underarm sausage than my actual reduction. I, too, was suprised at that, but I guess it makes sense when you think about what lipo is compared to the incisionsā€¦shrug.

You are so welcome! Iā€™m so happy that you found it helpful - that was my hope when I started it. :slight_smile:

RIGHT?! Omg, I can buy a bra for under $100?? Heck, under $50? Whaaaa? It wonā€™t take you long to get used to that lol! Awesome! I also love that I can wear a wireless bra if I want to now and donā€™t have to put a bra on to answer the door or come downstairs when we have company lol! SO many great thingsā€¦enjoy the ride, cuz the obsession doesnā€™t end! A year and a bit out, and I still stare at my reflection when Iā€™m wearing t-shirts! Looks SO MUCH BETTER! :slight_smile:


THanks :smiley: I never want this happy feeling to end.