Breast Reduction Surgery

Well I’m thinking of downsizing [LOL] and I’m wondering if anyone else has done it? How long until up you could jump/compete again after surgery? Did insurance pay for yours? My shoulder, upper back and neck are shot and the bra straps are too too much. Anything to look out for?

I had it done about 5 years ago, one of the best things I have ever done for myself. I had to really whine for about 2 years but insurance did cover it. My surgeon said no riding or lifting more than a gallon of milk for 6 weeks but no other restrictions. The surgery is LONG, about 5 hours but not particularly painful. Because mine didn’t start till 11 AM they kept me overnight, out by 9 AM.

I have absolutely no need for one, but I’m a Mammographer and have never met anyone who has had a reduction that had regrets. Ok, one person I know personally, but only because she thinks too much was removed. We have had people with implants with regrets.

Do you have documentation of neck, back, or shoulder troubles? That usually helps in getting insurance companies to pay.

I’m hoping to do this one day, but I have to start getting my back/neck/shoulder stuff documented so that maybe insurance will pay for it. Hate going to the dr. though. :stuck_out_tongue: A girl at the barn I used to ride at had it done and was just delighted! No idea if insurance paid for hers, but she was out of the saddle for six weeks or so.

Umm just curious… What size is the good size for riding, if such thing exists?

Umm just curious… What size is the good size for riding, if such thing exists?[/QUOTE]
Even after having 3.3 lbs removed I’m still a D. I wouldn’t mind being a C or even dare I dream B

I’m a C (no surgery up or down :)). Very manageable with a good sports bra. Not without one.

I had one over 4 years ago. Definitely the best thing ever. I kick myself for waiting so long. I didn’t even screw with insurance. I had saved the money and wanted it done and did it!
Trying to deal with insurance would have dragged things out possibly as much as 3-4 months…nope. I made the decision and wanted it done. The hospital and anesthesiologist gave me a reduced cash price for paying in advance.

I was off the horse for 6-8 weeks. The first couple of weeks back in the saddle, trot was a bit uncomfortable but after that, clear and pain free sailing. My doctor didn’t actually care if I rode but was much more concerned if horsey pulled on me while leading. Since my mare can be a bit…umm…reactive, I just went out and petted her nose a few times.

I as a DD and went to a B/C. Despite losing 20 lbs since it was done, they still are nice and perky and have maintained the shape nicely. Very happy customer.


First of all… THANK YOU all so much.

I had one over 4 years ago. Definitely the best thing ever. I kick myself for waiting so long. I didn’t even screw with insurance. I had saved the money and wanted it done and did it!
Trying to deal with insurance would have dragged things out possibly as much as 3-4 months…nope. I made the decision and wanted it done. The hospital and anesthesiologist gave me a reduced cash price for paying in advance.

I was off the horse for 6-8 weeks. The first couple of weeks back in the saddle, trot was a bit uncomfortable but after that, clear and pain free sailing. My doctor didn’t actually care if I rode but was much more concerned if horsey pulled on me while leading. Since my mare can be a bit…umm…reactive, I just went out and petted her nose a few times.

I as a DD and went to a B/C. Despite losing 20 lbs since it was done, they still are nice and perky and have maintained the shape nicely. Very happy customer.


I’m also considering just paying for it. One of the surgeons my doctor recommended won’t deal with insurance so I’d have to jump through the hoops with Blue Cross myself (doesn’t sound like fun). The other surgeon will file the insurance so maybe if I go with him then I’ll try. What the heck! I am currently an F or G and hope to end up a C. I have about 20-25lbs to lose so I’m hoping to ditch much of that before surgery.

[QUOTE=cloudy18;7270795]I have absolutely no need for one, but I’m a Mammographer and have never met anyone who has had a reduction that had regrets. Ok, one person I know personally, but only because she thinks too much was removed. We have had people with implants with regrets.

Do you have documentation of neck, back, or shoulder troubles? That usually helps in getting insurance companies to pay.[/QUOTE]

Thank you. Yes I’ve had neck issues for years that flared up about three years ago and I’ve had to have PT several times and multiple epidural injections. I also found out last winter that my right shoulder is pretty much shot. AC joint is toast and rotator cuff inflamed over and over. It’s been injected multiple times as well and I’m in PT for the second time now. I’ve also got permanent ridges on the top of my shoulders from my bra and now that I have a shoulder issue I’m constantly pulling that bra strap off that shoulder. Hopefully that’s enough justification for them. It’s enough for me.

I think both my surgeons would do the surgery in an outpatient surgery center. Its good to hear that a C cup seems about right and that it probably 2 months til I can show in the hunters again. I’m very excited but it will be a few months before I can do it.

First of all… THANK YOU all so much.
I have about 20-25lbs to lose so I’m hoping to ditch much of that before surgery.

I think both my surgeons would do the surgery in an outpatient surgery center. Its good to hear that a C cup seems about right and that it probably 2 months til I can show in the hunters again. I’m very excited but it will be a few months before I can do it.[/QUOTE]

I had lost some weight preop but could have certainly lost more. That is why I am pleasantly surprised that they have held their shape so nicely after I finally got my butt in gear and got another20-25lbs off over the last 4 years. But you know…it made exercise so much easier post op. What a difference. I actually like exercise now.

My surgery was also outpatient. It was a 5 hr surgery but I still went home the same day and got along just fine.

Good luck.


I had one almost a year ago and have never looked back. I am another one of the many many ladies saying it was a really good decision. I went from a G to a small D. It is wonderful beyond belief. Insurance did cover 100% of mine after documenting pain and unsuccessful PT efforts. It wasn’t that hard to get approval, but my insurance is amazing and I know I was lucky there.

I will add it was more painful than I expected, and I have some pretty spectacular scars, but even when things were sore I never doubted it was worth it. Not only has it helped my riding, I have literally eliminated what was daily shoulder and back pain. Not one day since the surgery have I hurt again. Amazing.

Just had a reduction in Sept, 2013. I promised myself 3 months off riding and pretty much obeyed that. Went from DDD to a B and so happy that I did. I did not find it particularly painful, just uncomfortable.

Well I’m thinking of downsizing [LOL] and I’m wondering if anyone else has done it? How long until up you could jump/compete again after surgery? Did insurance pay for yours? My shoulder, upper back and neck are shot and the bra straps are too too much. Anything to look out for?[/QUOTE]

I actually went with a friend for her consult a few weeks ago. The surgeon said her documentation wasn’t necessary due to the size of breast that would be removed. Her insurance is BCBS and the doctors office was able to verify her eligibility right then. Apparently, there is a minimum that would need to be removed for them to consider it medically necessary. I want to say it was 150 from each side? Her surgery is in a couple of weeksn. The surgeon said he had never had a patient regret the surgery, only regret not doing it sooner. Good luck to you!

That’s it. You guys have unknowingly convinced me to get this done. I am a G cup and have huge indentations in my shoulders from the straps to hold these big puppies up. Will make the appointment to discuss with a surgeon as soon as the holidays are over!

Thank you all so much. I have huge indentations in my shoulders and I’m thinking they will easily get 150g from each breast. I hadn’t anticipated 3 months off competing but just the thought of being able to wear button up shirts or sweaters or jackets and not have them pull and pucker is incredible. As I get older I think it just gets harder and harder to haul them around. My nursing friends tell me you always get a breast lift as part of a reduction so that seems like an added perk to offset the scars. My scars generally fade off to white on my light skin so that won’t bother me.

I’ve also read that a reduction may reduce your risk for future Brest cancer… less breast tissue less risk. I thought that was interesting too.

Thank you all for your support and all the information. My consult is in February and probably surgery in March so likely starting the show season a little late with a baggy jacket. Ha ha.

Good luck Sonesta and to your friend hunterjumpers.


Yes, my surgeon told me the lift was as important as the reduction. I still marvel that I actually can see my nipples. Before, they always pointed at the floor:lol:.

When they did pathology on the removed tissue, they found atypical lobular hyperplasia. How it was explained to me…not pre cancerous but a definite (additional) risk factor. Whether all that tissue was removed…probably not but I have taken raloxifene (Evista) and will be done with my 5 year course this coming July. I also get manual exams 2x/year for extra vigilance (in addition to the annual mammogram). My insurance approved breast MRI too but I declined that. Due to the cost and as of yet, the powers that decide what is beneficial, still hasn’t been able to drill down to the exact patient that does benefit. False positives are the biggest downside after cost so I said no thanks. And yes, I have 3 lbs less tissue to worry about.


OMG Ha ha ha… Totally pointing at the ground. Hadn’t even thought about that.

just scheduled mine for next Friday. I’m a DDD almost E and am going to a small C. I went in to get my consult on Monday, and said when is the soonest you can do it, they said fri the 20th, I paid for it, went and got a mammogram and I’m ready. had to wait till I had the money, can’t wait. very excited. mine is also being done in an office. under twilight iv sedation, and breast/nerve blocks. doc said much better for you.