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Breech shopping - advice please

There are some great deals on Pikeurs right now from Amirashop due to the exchange rate.[/QUOTE]

We’ve become Pikeur fans too. Great fit - even for tall riders. If you shop Equine and Country or Amira (British websites) the prices are 1/2 what they are in the US. The sale prices can be even better. And honestly, the shipping was not anymore and probably less than Dover standard shipping. No customs fees unless you order large quantities. Warning: ordered for first time from Amira on July 5th. Did not receive breeches until Oct. 19th. 3 1/2 months-ugh! Had fast shipping from Equine and Country for same size and style Pikeur breeches.

Check out the new B Vertigo and PFIFF breeches at The Connected Rider.
