Maybe this s/b on the Vent thread…
Friend has a lovely Morgan/STB she’s owned for near 10yrs.
He could pass for full Morgan, drives well on roads & to my eye could easily compete ADS.
Sadly, friend has drifted from Driving, stopped showing years ago, does not ride (bad knees) & recently moved horse to another friend’s barn.
BO is ex-Reiner/WP/Halter, who hasn’t shown/ridden anything for years.
Recently (4-5yrs?) took up Driving with a mini.
Her boarders are largely WP (w/o showing) & QHcentric.
She has 2 friends/boarders who also drive (1 w/mini, 1 w/Hackney Pony), but don’t show aside from County Fair.
Their skill level is in the Doubtful Range.
Another longtime boarder considers himself a NH Guru (of the Clinton Anderson school).
Yet another boarder also “works” at the barn. Diddles around doing maintenance “stuff”, generally w/o BOs knowledge.
But, I digress.
Long story-short:
MorganX has been proving difficult to handle, BUT, only for the non-skilled stall cleaners.
“Difficult” being led, turned out, brought in…
Mr NH claims he worked his Majik & horse now “lowers his head” to be haltered & led in/out.
Fine, but non-skilled weren’t shown how the Majik works & still have problems.
And most important to me, HO was not informed of the NH Training
Last night subject arose between me, BO & Mr NH.
In his opinion MorganX is not worth $3K.
“I’d never pay that much for a horse that old”
I told him for a good looking, well-broke Driving horse that # is Bargain Basement & $5K would still be underpriced.
COTH Drivers:
Your 2¢ ?