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Breeding Cartani x Landgraf mare

I have a Cartani x Landgraf mare that is like to breed and was asking for suggestions…she was a successful 1.40m horse. She has a fantastic front end but needs more scope and a hind end. She’s quick and careful. She trails her hind end and doesn’t open up. I would like the stallion to have super scope and jump with a very high hind end. I am considering Armitages Boy or even Armitage, or Halifax, Vegabond de la pomme? Anyone have any suggestions? Thank you!!

You may find this gets more responses in the sporthorse breeding section, so you may want to look at posting it there.

That said:

I’m a huge fan of the A line being bred to L (particularly, A stallions to L mares). There are some horses I quite like that end up being quite athletic and very versatile as well. August der Dritte comes to mind (Argentinus x Landadel) and his full brother, August der Starke as well. The thing I would look at with Armitage and Armitages Boy is how large-framed are their offspring. Argentinus is somewhat known, it seems, for passing on a larger frame than might be strictly popular these days. I quite like it, but if someone is looking for refinement, Argentinus close up in a pedigree is perhaps not the direction someone wants to go. (And then specifically to Armitage & Armitages Boy, Grannus also being close up is another big one for being somewhat non-modern.)

I don’t know much about the Armitage Boy’s offspring but from what I’ve seen of horses by Armitage, I quite like them and they seem to be careful and quick over fences.

I don’t have any worthwhile experience with the other stallions you’ve mentioned, so I can’t add anything there. Good luck deciding! (Out of curiousity, do you have any conformation photos of your mare? I would love to see her!)

I think the big thing with the Argentinus offspring (And the older G line, going back to Graf and Grande) is that while Argentinus (& most of his breeding sons that I know of) tend to be fairly tall (16’3-17’1 iirc?) they tend to be wider/have more mass than I’m seeing what tends to be more popular these days.

Your mare looks like a handy type over fences! She seems like a fun ride. Based on her conformation, I wouldn’t really be concerned about breeding her to a stallion with more mass because she seems a little on the more refined side. I definitely think you’ve honed in on her area of improvement (hind end) and maybe a stallion that can improve on her top line a little might help with her scope.

I hope you keep us posted with who you decide to use!

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Ok thank you for your help! I’m a first time breeder and all the help I get is so appreciated! I’m glad you think she can carry something a little bigger as well. I feel more on track now!