Breeding trakehner mare

Hi All,

I have a new trakehner mare who is TB X Cardinali and I would love to breed her to a oldenburg, westfalen or Hanoverian or dutch stud. Would it be possible to register the foals in those registries? If so, how would I go about doing that?


What is her registration status? Which registry is she registered with and do you know if she has full papers or a “just” a certificate of pedigree? The American Trakehner Association (ATA) has a slightly different status than the Trakehner Association of North American (TANA), for example.

Depending on her registration status, you have some different options. In some cases, you’ll need to take her to an inspection and have her approved for breeding. In others, you may have registration options for your foal without taking her to an inspection.

Mare eligibility:
You’ll see here that if she is registered with an “approved registry” and a certain percentage of her pedigree is made up of “approved bloodlines” she would be eligible for different Mare Books. Approved registries and bloodlines can be found at the bottom of the page.

Here is the link to information about their mare inspections:

Foal registration eligibility can be found here:

In summary, for Oldenburg, you will likely need to have your mare inspected, which you can do at the same time you present her foal for inspection (although I always recommend doing it before in case she ins’t approved or something happens to her before inspection, leaving you with a foal with registration issues out of an unapproved mare). She’ll need ot be eligible for one of the main mare books and the foal must be by an ISR/Oldenburg NA Licensed or Approved stallion or one that has a breeding license or permit for that year.


Breeding Program Eligbility:

Mare Inspection Requirements:

Foal eligibility:

In summary: There are three types of papers for WESTF: full “pink” papers, a certificate of pedigree (“white papers”), or a horse identification document. For full papers you’ll need to get your mare approved by WESTF and she’ll need to be in Mare Book 1 or Mare Book 2 (see the link above for those requirements) and the sire will need to be in Stallion Book 1 or 2.


Mare inspection eligibility:

For the AHS you’ll need to have your mare approved and use an AHS approved stallion. I’ve had a really difficult time with AHS. If you go this route, make sure you get them to approve your mare’s papers before signing her up for an inspection. I’ve had them reject the papers of mares from other full WBFSH member registries. I’d also suggest making your life easy and just using AHS-specifically approved stallions if you want to go the AHS route. I tried to register a foal with the AHS out of a premium-eligible AHS mare and by a famous stallion that the Hann. Verband had approved in Europe due to his competition record and the AHS told me I couldn’t. I’ve since been told that was wrong and I should have been able to but at that point I decided not to bother and registered my foal with the NAS instead.


Different books:

If you get your mare approved by the KWPN for breeding and use a KWPN licensed stallion or another stallion from an “Erkend studbook” your foal should be eligible for Register A. However, if you don’t get your mare approved with the KWPN, depending on her registration status and the stallion you use, you should still have options to register your foal with Register B.

You can also look at other registries like the North American Studbook ( or Zangersheide ( (there are others too, but these are both full WBFSH members and studbooks I have registered my foals with so the only ones I can speak to from experience) that would give you full registration* (depending on her own registration) options without taking your mare or the foal to an inspection and giving you a wider range of stallion options.


Genuine question but if she’s registered ATA why not stay within registry?