Bridles And Reins store opinions/concerns?

I just bought a pretty large amount from Bridles and Reins online (they have a bulk discount that I utilized.) It might be too late to ask this, but are they reputable? I have a friend that’s bought from them before and loves the tack, but other than that, I’d like to know more about the brand. Any info is appreciated. Thanks!

Yes and no, IMO.

Yes - I’ve always gotten what I’ve ordered and most of the pieces were pretty nice for the price after a good oiling.

No - I tried to custom order a bridle through them and it was terrible. I think it’s sitting somewhere with the tags still on it. You can’t really return anything and some of the more recent items I’ve had poorer quality leather (my first purchase, a figure 8, is still in excellent shape and constantly gets compliments).

TLDR: Don’t expect Sedgwick leather, don’t expect warm fuzzy customer service, appreciate that the quality is decent for the price. IME the bridles were higher quality/ better than the other items (girths and breastplates), which seemed to crackle more. I’d order from them again if they had the style I wanted / needed (currently I’m only wanting Schockemöhle Equitus style bridles which Bridles and Reins doesn’t make).