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Bringing It Together- Eckstein/Staley

Is anyone besides me using this in their training? I know this is the western forum but I’m not bringing it up on the dressage forum. :wink:

I’ve really been trying to implement this and I feel like it’s slowly coming together and I am getting better at it. I really want to bring Ellen Eckstein to Lexington for a clinic this year, not sure if I can get it done or not.

I’m a big fan, especially of Betty Staley. If you haven’t already checked out her blog it is really good reading. http://bettystaley.com/blog/

I’m a big fan too. Can’t wait for all of this crappy winter weather to pass so I can get working with my mare again.

Yes, I find it helpful too. Have you seen Ellen Eckstein’s video segments on Eclectic Horseman’s Gazette DVDs? For me, they greatly enhanced my understanding of Bringing it Together.

My favorite concept from Bringing it Together - “firming up” in the feel.

I guess I’m in the minority as I found it very meh. The concept is good but I didn’t find the presentation to be anything extraordinary.

I do have a friend who has ridden with Ellen and got a lot out of it. I think Ellenis a very good teacher-i watched one of her lessons and the exercises were very simple but very effective.

[QUOTE=Huntin’ Pony;7981642]
Yes, I find it helpful too. Have you seen Ellen Eckstein’s video segments on Eclectic Horseman’s Gazette DVDs? For me, they greatly enhanced my understanding of Bringing it Together.

My favorite concept from Bringing it Together - “firming up” in the feel.[/QUOTE]

Yes, I just got the first one through GiddyUp Flix and it was great. It helped me a lot too, and yes I like to read Betty Staley’s blog as well.

I’m riding for Buck again this fall, not sure yet on which horse, and hoping maybe Mindy Bower comes back this spring or summer.
Ellen has been super helpful on facebook as well, I love that all of these people are so great. :slight_smile: