British racing welfare videos

These are some examples of how British racing is dealing with general info for the public, to counter animal rights challenges and social media misinformation, if anyone is interested. Otherwise, they are fun to watch to see a different way of racing horses. Just rather a lot in my sample -sorry!



Oh wow, thank you for sharing! I’m only halfway through the first video, but it’s so refreshing to see that BHA gets it!

NTRA please take note! Seriously, I’ll write the script for free, since I don’t even trust them to do that at this point. :frowning:

I’ll even crowd-fund the entire advertising campaign for them if I have to. :lol:

Thank you for sharing the videos, Williesdon.

I watched the first one and it was great. I’ll watch the others tomorrow when I have more time. :slight_smile:

I’ve gotten through a few more of the videos… WHY AREN’T WE DOING THIS?!? These are brilliant.

Effective because they have intrinsic interest beyond their immediate message.


The first one is


Most likely because the BHA is one entity overseeing all of racing in the UK. And each state does it’s own thing over here.