Broken arm

Got kicked on July 4 and surgery is tomorrow. Bad break to the ulma ?
Very painful so far.
This is my first break and wondering how long it takes to fully heal and ride. Horse was shipped to trainer on Sat.

ouch! wincing in sympathy here. some of the breaks in this thread are not as serious as yours, but you may get an idea of healing times.

whatever you do, LISTEN TO YOUR PT-! and your doc. friend of mine broke her wrist and had to get a plate put in, and then went bicycling in her cast and ended up bending the plate. :eek: so she got another nice shiny plate put in. :rolleyes:

jingles for you!

I got kicked and ended up with a midshaft ulnar fracture in Aug of 2003. My dr at the time thought it would heal on its own and just casted it, well it never healed so in Oct I had surgery to have a plate and screws implanted. After that I did physical therapy until Feb 2004 and was cleared to get back in the saddle after that. My dr said that the plate could come out but I’ve never bothered to go back under the knife. I am careful when I ride or do anything too physical because I was warned that if something happened with the plate in my bone would break at both ends of the plate and again where the original break was. My advice is don’t rush to get back in the saddle and do your PT, that makes all the difference. I wish I would have done the PT exercises like I should have, I’m sure my arm would be stronger than it is now. Good luck!

Had surgery this week with a plate going in. Very painful recovery and Dr said it would be 3 months for recovery. At my age I am going to follow his advice. Horse is with trainer. Hope to show again mid Oct.

So how’s it feeling? Have you gotten those frozen blue goo things to put over your cast? And things to prop your elbow on to keep your hand higher than your heart? I used to sit at my desk at the office with my elbow on a couple of federal staff directories to keep my hand elevated. :slight_smile:

And be sure and work your shoulder; when i finally got out of my cast, i realized my shoulder had tightened up a LOT and i had severely limited range of motion. Took several months to get that back.

Recovery is not going well. May have to have a second surgery on the wrist. My ulna was shortened due to the severity of the break and now I have a small gap where the bone meets the wrist. In 2 weeks I will knows. Got my splint off, now in a cast with some mobility in my shoulder and elbow. Working on getting my fingers usable again.

owie. :frowning: sounds very not fun. when i was in my cast, the palmar section was wide enough that i couldn’t touch thumb and forefinger with any strength; ended up stopping in at a nail salon every other week so they could file the nails on my other hand down. :rolleyes:

as one of the trainers at my gym said, work your good arm with weights and it will reduce the atrophy in your bad arm. (i’d use the machines with my right hand and sort of mime the motions with my left. :smiley: )

good luck with the upcoming appointment; jingling for no surgery.

Doing my barn chores with my good arm keeps it very fit. In fact, I am worrying about tendinitis in my good arm due to overuse. More worried about my wrist now than anything. As I progress, assuming no more surgery, they will keep cutting the cast down so I will be more mobile as time goes on. For a novice “breaker” this has been a nightmare of a summer so far.

You’ll likely need a new cast or two as the swelling goes down (yay!) and your muscles shrink (boo!). I had three, myself, not counting the sugar-tong splint… Hey, at least yours was horse-related. :slight_smile: i had to go thru months of “no, i didn’t fall off a horse, i slipped on the ice…” :wink:

I suffered a compound tib/fib fracture in February. I had surgery the day of the accident. Metal rod, screws, the whole nine. I was off my feet for 10 weeks. I was told it would take as long as I was down to get back up. I was back in the saddle before May 1st. It has now been five and a half months and I am back to jumping courses, although I still have some weakness on my right side. There is hope.

I’m sorry to hear that you’re having complications. I “Barbaro’d” my radius (distal radial fracture) back in 2007. Had surgery, plate and 8 screws. PT went fine but they were ready to dismiss me before I felt like I was back to “normal” for me. Turns out, they base “normal” on the average for people your age and work load. Well…as a horse person, my grip, flexibility, etc were significantly better than average prior to the break (and w/ my other hand) and darnit, I wanted that all back for my right! My ortho doc happily extended my PT and said “Most people don’twant to do the PT so I go short.”

Anyway…I was pretty good to go riding wise in about 8 weeks. I will say that my grip is still a difficulty because the screws stayed in and and due to their location, my tendons will sometimes rub on the screws causing everything to get inflamed. Can be pretty painful. But functionally, I’m all good.

Best wishes for a speedy recovery!