Broken Collarbone - tell me good things please!

I crashed at a show in early February, and had surgery the next day to put a plate on my collarbone. (It was snapped in half, and the pieces weren’t anywhere near each other.)

Had a 2 week followup today and the bone is definitely still broken - can see on the XRay.

Dr is saying 3 months until I can start riding again - anybody have any different experiences? I have a Bernie Traurig clinic 3 months after (to the day) of my surgery. Is there any hope I will be recovered enough to do it?

I’m in my twenties. Horse is a solid citizen who is being worked once or twice a week now, as I can’t do anything myself. Can’t even go see him alone as I can’t lift my arm up high enough to catch him or do up crossties.

I broke mine two summers ago (screws and a plate, like yours) and I think I stayed out of the saddle for 6 weeks. It will take a while for the bones to heal, but the plate should stabilize and bridge the gap, so to speak. Perhaps your doctor is using the 3 month guideline to ensure as much healing as possible before you get back on, in case (god forbid) you should fall on that side again.

Never bothered me when I started riding again, but like you I think I did have some residual weakness and soreness that limited my lifting. I would say don’t try to rush lifting or doing too much hard work, but for me it was very easy to get back into riding and I never had a problem on the horse. At first I was a little tentative, as is natural after an accident, but it didn’t take long to get back to full speed. If your horse is a good egg and has been in work so he’s not too fresh, that should help too.

I had to wait about 3 days before I could get into surgery (and it would have been WEEKS if I’d had to wait to see a doctor out here; my sister is an orthopedic surgical assistant and her practice was able to get me right in), but as soon as the break was stabilized I felt a million times better. Everyone was amazed that I got right back into things after surgery, but I told them a little recovery soreness is NOTHING compared to how it felt before!

Obviously I’m not advising you go completely against your doc’s recommendation, but you might see if you can discuss with him why he suggested that time frame, what kind of benchmark he’s like to see for healing, and explain how you plan to minimize potential trauma.

Thanks so much cllane! You’ve given me hope.

I’m definitely giving it a full 6 weeks off - I’m hoping to be out of the sling after 6 weeks (in another month), and then hopefully I can start back flatting at least to get some of the strength and muscle back.

They’re keeping you in a sling that long? I think I only had to be in mine for a week after my surgery, and they recommended after that that I keep it in the sling if I was resting or around the house, but I went back to work and everything. But of course every case is different, so listen to your doc!

My sister told me that if the plate bothers you (for instance, if purse straps or bra straps or whatever irritate it when you wear them) that they can go back in and take it out after about a year of healing. I don’t have any problem with it, so I’m leaving it in.

It took a long time before I was comfortable sleeping on my side again. I guess I was getting used to the feeling of the plate. I sometimes get a little achy if I’ve slept on it at a funny angle or at the end of a long day at the computer (my chair sits lower than my desk, so I have to sort of reach up to type), but ibuprofen and a heating pad clear it right up.

What’s kind of funny now is how much I can see the plate and screws under my skin. I’ve lost a lot of weight since I broke it, and it stands out more and more. I kind of like it, makes me feel bionic!

I broke mine Sept 2011, then finally had surgery in March 2012. After surgery I think i was in a sling for maybe 2 - 3 weeks.

Here is the thread:

I didn’t start riding again until 8 weeks post surgery and that was with clearance from my surgeon, but I had a green, fresh OTTB so I didn’t want to chance it too early

Since the surgery (hard to believe it’s been 3 years) the collarbone feels great and I don’t even notice it.

They’re keeping you in a sling that long? I think I only had to be in mine for a week after my surgery, and they recommended after that that I keep it in the sling if I was resting or around the house, but I went back to work and everything. But of course every case is different, so listen to your doc!

My sister told me that if the plate bothers you (for instance, if purse straps or bra straps or whatever irritate it when you wear them) that they can go back in and take it out after about a year of healing. I don’t have any problem with it, so I’m leaving it in. [/QUOTE]
Yeah, I’ve had the sling for 2 weeks already, and the Dr wants it in there for another 4! Putting a damper on my ability to do anything. Especially style my hair, lol. I was back at work a week after surgery, though. Thankfully I have a computer-based job, and I busted my left side (I’m right handed).

The Dr told me he can take the plate back out if it bothers me. I guess we will wait and see - I honestly haven’t been able to feel it at all thus far!

Glad to hear you both healed up with no lasting issues. :slight_smile:

I broke mine way, way back in the late 1990’s, before the surgery was standard procedure. I got nothing but a figure-8 brace and a couple of weeks flat on my back in bed with serious painkillers. The bone did heal nice and strong, but deformed, as there was no way to set the break at the time. It just had to heal where it was. I found that I was able to use my shoulder for light duty after about 3-4 weeks, but it took a good 6 months before I was no longer having random pain because someone bumped into me, or the dog pulled on her leash suddenly, or I tried to lift something a little too heavy. I hear the surgery cuts recovery time way down, so hopefully you’ll be in good shape much sooner.

Just wanted to update:

At 6 weeks post-surgery I was given the ok to start back riding (and to lose the sling). I’ve been back for 2 weeks now and am feeling great. No pain at all in the collarbone/shoulder area (just muscle pain from having 6 weeks off!). Am starting physio next week, but I have probably 95% of my pre-injury range of motion, and getting better the more I use it.

I’m going to start back jumping this week.

Yay! Great update!

My plate has started to stand out quite a bit (I’ve lost a good bit of weight from when it was put in) and my sister was eyeing it this weekend. She said, “You know, we could just zip in right on the same incision line and get that out.” But for now it’s not bothering me.

ETA: duh, I guess I already said all that in my other posts. At any rate, glad you’re feeling better!