Broken kneecap and torn PCL

I had a stirrup leather brake midjump a few weeks ago and I ended up with a broken patella and torn PCL. I’ve been off of riding for four weeks already and I have four more to go??? I’m curious to hear how other riders got back into riding with similar injuries. How long did it take you to regain your strength back and are there any tips to make the process a little smoother? I’m also really interested in what others did when they can’t ride for eight weeks!? I found someone to ride my horse while I’m off but I’m so bored without riding.

I tore up my knee in a different fashion, and it was really frustrating not being able to ride. Or walk up and down stairs, or move faster than a slow shuffle…

Fwiw, I couldn’t ride for 5 1/2 months. I also have a driving pony, but I couldn’t even do that for 4 months.

It’s over and done and I’m back to doing everything I did before. It seems like a long time, but really, it’s not in the bigger scheme of things.

Tips? Do your PT. Try not to over do the things that you aren’t supposed to do - like twist, or move too fast, or uneven surfaces - not sure what your restrictions are but if you have a good PT person, follow their directions. I had a couple of “overdid it” setbacks and they were extra frustrating because they were my own fault.

Ice is your friend. The next 4 weeks will fly by. :slight_smile:

Hi Kit_Kat,
First off, let me say I am so sorry about this injury. It’s a terrible, painful one.

I broke my patella almost a year and a half ago. I was on a horse WAY too early, 4 weeks after the injury, due to demands of my then job. First off, a little advice, you don’t want to get on now! I was okay walking and cantering, but trotting made me actually cry. So, so painful.

A year and a half later, without proper management (see my thread about this injury), my knee is still weak and can be very painful at the end of the day. I would speak to your doctor about PT, and ensure that you are prescribed and actually DO it. It will make your life so much easier. Don’t worry about getting on right now. You can go to the barn and groom and do other things, but please let it heal before you get back on.

Hopefully this all makes sense, as I am on my phone. Pm me if you have any questions!