Broken pelvis anyone?

Hi I’m kinda new. As in - I was here on COTH a long time ago and some of you may know me from other boards. The earth has finally revolved back around to where I have time to look at forums. :wink:

Which is partly because I broke my pelvis. In July. Big break - quite severe displacement and also broke the sacrum.

Anyone else had this injury? I’d love to hear some stories - how long it took to recover, what you experienced along the way.

Thankfully no experience with such an injury and OUCH!

Healing jingles coming your way. July? I hope you are on the mend.


Thanks Susan. I’m on the mend. Hey I can walk, talk: I’m basically in good shape. :slight_smile: I need some tweaking as to walking and I’m not able to ride yet but my Dr is confident I will be able to and should be pain-free.


I was lucky, I only cracked mine and tore a groin muscle. Had to use crutches to walk for about three weeks. Started back riding at four weeks but for several months afterwards could only do walk-trot. Any attempt to canter caused pain and severe cramping of the groin muscle.(After 15 years it still bothers me if I get dehydrated).

Other than the crutches for limiting weight bearing and Tylenol or ibuprofen for pain, my doctor said there was nothing else that could be done. It was just one of those injuries that needed time to heal.

Good luck. I know it’s painful and annoying.

Sheared mine in 2007. Plate across pelvis and screws in my SI. I was non weight bearing for about 9 weeks and then slowly able to start bearing weight. I walked a lot although it was very painful and slow. I was able to ride again in about 4 months, but not pain free. Slowly but surely back to normal, but push through the pain. It will be worth it in the long run

Thanks for the replies. Tamfarm I think my injury is very similar to yours. A big hefty screw in the SI jt and I had an external fixation out the front for 8 weeks. Not allowed ride till after Christmas. Glad to hear you’re mostly back to normal. I have been pushing myself and am improving but it’s slow.

That sounds very similar, hang in there, you will be riding soon!

Broke mine in three places and separated all my ribs. Hospitlaized, used a walker, then crutches then a cane. Recovery was around 3 months, but one of the fractures was in danger of being a non union fracture so I had to wait that one out till it started to heal. Just the thought of a fracture never healing and being in that much pain for the rest of my life was enough to make me behave.
Now the only lasting pain can be the sitting trot, if done too long.

Thanks again for the replies. Redpony sounds like yours was awful too. I have non-union in one spot but the surgeon is fairly confident all is well.