Broken tailbone

So, how long did it take your coccyx bone to heal and you could ride for more than two hours?

I came off in January and it still hurts like a son of a gun. :no:

The muscles surrounding my hip bones hurt too and I’m assuming that’s another symptom of the broken tail bone…

Maybe time to see the Dr again, or for a second opinion if current Dr is not paying attention?

If I remember well, has been 30+ years, I was back riding in three weeks and never again had any twinges.

Then, your break may have been more serious and something else may be going on with your hips.

Darn, yes, you may be right. I really dislike vet, I mean doctor visits. Okay for the horses, but for me I’m timid…

Mine took about 2 years before I could sit for any length of time without pain. Hope you do better!


From now on I think I’ll only land on my head then! Or I’ll have to purchase a helmet for my butt!

They do have seat saver cushions for saddles and thick, padded underwear for your behind.:slight_smile:
Look in bike shops for those last ones.

My break was a green stick fracture, complete fracture, a bit bent, but holding in place by a sliver of bone, no displacement.
It healed a little crooked.

Yours may not have been quite in place?

I bought one of those rubber inflatable things to sit on too. Sometimes it helped, sometimes not so much. Mine Xrayed as a crack, no displacement, it was very sore for a long long time. I couldn’t really ride with it at all.

just my 2 cents…

Coupla months…depends on your weight, your horses type of gait/build, the kind of saddle you have, the pace you ride, how you ride etc.
Avoid sitting trots or canters for awhile…go in 2 point as much as possible. Avoid jumping. Go easy and calm and smoooooth. No jarring or concussion! Long walks for awhile.
If you’re on your feet a lot you may find yourself sore so don’t ride that day. Pace yourself. Don’t worry. Fulll recovery will happen. You’ll likely be cleared at 8 weeks or so to ride but don’t rush it.

Try some serious padding under the saddle AND on the top. Cashel cushions sells a neat Tush Cush that’d be perfect for this. Or at least a seat saver, or gel pad.
It’ll hurt in cold weather for quite a while and whenever it’s going to rain!!
:winkgrin: I could feel a mild throbbing in my butt for almost 5 years whenever a big front went thru!! :lol::lol: Seriously!! :smiley:
This is a very common fall injury for equestrians and it usually heals without problems. But you may find your weather prediction skills will improve!! :uhoh:

I remember that for the first two weeks, I was walking funny, with little steps and not sitting down, only laying down and that very carefully.

When mine broke (but didn’t displace) I was a young idiot and didn’t properly follow the physio exercises I was given. I also rode on serious painkillers (!) in a competition 2 weeks after. And won :lol:. Yeah, still not a great idea though.
At least a year later it was still giving me hassles. Sitting on a flight for 10 hours was excruciating, I was just about in tears the entire time. And I think my lower back issues are still linked to it.

I would go to a physio and FOLLOW THEIR ADVICE! :yes:

A friend of mine cracked her tailbone when she fell off the horse. I don’t remember how long she was out of commission, but when she got back on she got one of the Cashel cushions, which solved the problem.

Thanks again everyone! I guess it will heal when it wants to heal, LOL!

Bluey, the padded undies might be a godsend!:lol:

Ticker, I hope mine heals faster than yours, neener neener neener!

Wateryglen, the sitting trot is most uncomfortable! I am a posting fanatic these days. And fuhgetabout cantering…
And you say my butt could be a weather-station? I’d better start my own website (look out NOAA and Accuweather, here comes a Buttcast, um maybe WeatherButt?).

Selene, I’m so glad I have no where to fly to. :slight_smile:

Walktrot the cashel cushions have been given a couple of thumbs up so far so I think I’ll make the big investment in one!

Newt…I hope you heal faster than I did too! I didn’t get mine falling off a horse…I got mine coming out of the barn after chores and seeing my husband crash on some slippery ice on the concrete. Like a good wife I went to help him up…I crashed right next to him. Yes, I should have just left him lie there :slight_smile:

Ooooooh, Ticker!!!:lol:

I shouldn’t laugh but well, the mental picture is hilarious! How did your husband fare?

Well, it was rather hilarious, he landed on his side, I landed on the …bum. He was fine, he limps and hobbles a lot anyway :slight_smile:

Ah, you became a matched set then!