Broken tailbone?

I have a pain in the butt situation I was wondering if anyone had any advice about. I fell off 5 weeks ago and broke or bruised my tailbone. It was severely painful to sit but standing and walking have been ok. It was gradually getting better so last week I started working out lightly on the elliptical but this week it hurts much worse. So I finally went to the doctor and had xrays and they said nothing was broken and just to keep working out but not sitting. I can feel a callous there at the tailbone so I am not sure I agree it was not broken but regardless, does anyone know any stretches or exercises to help or should I keep resting? Obviously riding is out of the question for a little while. I have been using the donut cushion and have fashioned a cushion for my car but it still really hurts. How do you all suck it up and work through it? Thank you so much for your help.

Some pain meds and just sucking it up is going to do it. I did this in Feb. It was very painful but I avoided sitting and squating and when I did have to sit, I sat on donuts or chairs that didn’t have a back so I wasn’t tempted to lean back onto my tailbone.

Fractures of the tailbone or VERY VERY hard to see, next to impossible because of all the muscle and tissue around it and they do a great job of hiding it from Xrays. It might not seem to be broken, but it may be a stress fracture. Just take it easy.

I fell last September, a paving brick rolled and I landed on it. Went to the DO as I was still sore a week later, they did a few adjustments and said yep it is going to hurt for awhile. It is still sore when I first get on and if I sit for too long. Everything I read said these injuries take a really long time to heal.

Ouch! stupid brick! I decided to suck it up this evening and if it was going to hurt anyway, I was going to ride. I put the stirrups up and took the pony out for a hack and it was no worse than sitting in a chair. We’ll see how I feel tomorrow! Anyway, thank you. It means a lot

Friend of mine did something to her tailbone a few years ago. She got one of the Cashel seat cushions when she went back to riding and said it made a huge difference.

Long time, depending on the extend of the injury. One I had was utter pain sitting for 6 months (think sitting on a cold metal stool in surgery 5 days a week all day long, eek) with relief standing, and general pain still upon sitting throughout the first year. Happened fall, so didn’t ride all winter and was able to begin in the spring, and was sore but not intolerable at 6 months. Other tailbone injuries were a good 2 months before being ignorable.

Good luck.

I’ve had 2 broken tail bone incidents and there is nothing you can to except let it heal. :frowning:

Time will heal the broken tailbone. I broke mine after a stupid fall from my horse. She crow hopped and I fell. Took about 3 months to heal.

Like everyone else said! Will take at least 2-3 mos to heal and will throb/hurt for periods after riding for another 6 mos or so. I could predict rain for 2 years after my broken coccyx…butt would start throbbing a few hours before it rained!!! :lol: Coupla things you can do: ditto the Cashel seat cushions, avoid concussion in that area, ride in 2 point or the “half seat”, no sitting trots/jigging, don’t sit your canters either. Wear sneakers when on your feet for long periods or walking distances. Lay down in lieu of sitting down when you can. And my best advice is: If it hurts; don’t do it!! :winkgrin:
No bouncing on the buttee!!!

It’s a miserable pain, and there’s really nothing that can be done about it except let time heal it up. (Can you imagine if they tried to put a cast on your butt???) :smiley: I broke mine years ago when I was in high school — I was ice skating backwards when an idiot in our group came up behind me and clotheslined my knees. The Cashel cushion will help a lot. You might try an ice pack whenever you can, too — maybe while driving to the barn before you ride?