Brush hog recommendations

Our John Deere brush hog is about to give up the ghost. What brands do you all recommend? Is Tractor Supply any good?

I have an off brand (I think it might be czech?) that is still doing the job after over 20 years - it was inexpensive but has held up. I also have a Bush Hog brand one that in comparison is much bigger and tougher - everything about it is just ‘more’. It is not inexpensive but I can see why. But I like my smaller one better b/c I’m used to it and it’s still kicking after 20 years.

I don’t know about Deere but I would think it’s well built. Go to TS and look at the options - I suspect you will see that they are all just lighter weight, less industrial strength so to speak, but they will likely be cheaper.

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Woods - look at the specs of their premium line of rotary cutters.


I had a big Woods. It was 30 years old when I gave it away. It still worked but I’m small and always had trouble hooking it up. I know have a smaller Deere and it is great, too.

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Thank you all!

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