Buck Davidson Clinic at Full Moon Farm!

Full Moon Farm (Finksburg, MD) will be hosting a Buck Davidson clinic - August 5th!

$150 per horse/rider combination. Small group format - 1 1/2 hour sessions.
They will be offering a $25 discount for riders recorded with the USEA as YR or YRAP enrollees, current USPC members, or current Full Moon Farm students (only one discount per rider).

For more information, or to find their registration form, please visit their website: http://fullmoonfarm.com/Clinics/2014-08-05%20Buck%20Davidson%20Clinic.html.

We will take all ages and abilities but riders should have as a minimum, competency at 2’. Riders should be more than comfortable at the level they enroll in…this is NOT a ‘move up’ clinic.

Contact: Karen Fulton - fullmoonfarmkaren@gmail.com / 410-795-8371