I purchased a Buckskin Quarter Horse from a kill buyer through AC4H. Christy told me that someone had contacted them about recognizing this guy and she promised to send me the contact info after I bought him. Unfortunately after many phone calls and emails she never did:confused:. He was on their broker owned listing a little over 2 months ago (Buckskin with Chrome). If anyone can help me put together his past I would really appreciate it. You can see pictures of him on the Harrisburg, Lancaster and Reading Craigslist. Thanks in advance for you help.
I have received some additional information but could still use some help. Approx. six years ago he was purchased from a trail riding outfit in the Poconos. His owner (a woman) then used him for barrel racing and trail riding. He went by the name of “Pete” and was being boarded in the southeastern Chester County, Pennsylvania area until about 2 years ago when she moved out of state. Any additional information would be greatly appreciated. Some people are afraid to contact me thinking I am looking to place blame on his poor condition when I got him. That is not the case at all. Sometimes bad things happen and I am just glad I am able to give him a second chance.
Well I guess you can ignore everything from the second post. All that info was great but when I asked the forum member for the name and location of the barn they kept their horse when my buckskin was there all communication ceased.