
The vet I used for my last cat offered to do a necropsy for free because he wanted to know too. He suspected some type of stomach issue. It was, I don’t remember what he called it, but there was a major heart problem too. My kitty gave signs of being nqr for months and then in one week he crashed hard.


I am so sorry Larksmom.

I hope your heart heals quickly from this unexpected event.

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I love my vet, and the clinic is about 20 miles away. But they wouldn’t do a necropsy, I don’t think they are set up for it. I took him out there and they are going to cremate him for $88.
Thanks to you all. He was a sweet boy.


(((Hugs))) :heart:

I am so sorry for your loss of Bug. They sure leave holes in your heart.:heart:

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Oh no I’m
So sorry.

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I’m so sorry.

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I’m so sorry :heart:

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Aww, I’m so sorry for your sudden loss. It’s never good to lose a loved animal, but shocking when it happens out of the blue. Hugs.

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a picture of Bug from FB. To my horror, this showed up Monday, after he passed on Sunday.

The pic is from 5 years ago.


I’m sorry for your loss.

Rest in peace, Bug.

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Peepy Cat and I send our condolences.