
My 8 year old cat, Bug, died this evening. I have no idea what the problem was but he was only sick today. He was acting a bit weird today when I got home from church. I had to go to my sister’s birthday party this evening. I found a bit of puke just before I left, and it concerned me a bit. But my presence was required at my sistern’s 70th b day party. When I got home, he was in severe distress. I called the emergency vet, and by the time I got off the phone with hem, Bug was gone. He was an indoor outdoor cat, but he pretty much stayed in my yard. I am going to call the vet tomorrow, and see if there is anyway to find out what happened to him. I feel terrible about it, but I really didn’t know how sick he was.


I am so sorry for your loss!


I’m so very sorry :broken_heart: RIP Bug baby


I’m so sorry for your loss. I have heard that cats can hide an illness so it is not always obvious that there is something wrong. Many hugs to you.


Oh I’m so sorry for your shocking loss. Sometimes, things spiral really fast. Godspeed, Bug.


I am so, so sorry. Cats are very stoic, so please don’t blame yourself. There was an article in the NY Times recently about how unfortunately little is known about cat health, even by vets. He sounds like he had a wonderful life with you, even though it was too short.


I’m very sorry for your loss of Bug. I lost one suddenly and inexplicably once and know how shocking and devastating it is.


I’m so sorry for your loss of Bug. We never have enough time on this earth with our animals. Hugs to you.


oh wow I am so sorry


I am going to call the vet today and see if there is anyway to find out what caused it. But I also need to call my insurance company as my rates have gone up by 50%, after I bought the new roof, and I need to call a plumber about my broken garbage disposal.


Pls don’t Second Guess what you could have done differently.
It sounds like his distress was short-lived & he passed quietly.
Also, because he was an In/Out cat, at least he was home.
When I lost my little barncat of 10yrs, at least I had the solace of knowing what happened to her, rather than her just disappearing.


Oh, Larksmom, I am so sorry. Hugs to you. Godspeed Bug :heart:

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I am so sorry :heartpulse:

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I’m sorry for your loss :broken_heart:

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Oh I’m so sorry to hear this. Hugs to you

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Oh I’m so sorry for the loss of Bug. I had something similar happen with an older kitty, he was fine and then gone in a matter of minutes. It’s shocking. The vet said these things sometimes just happen. Godspeed Bug.



It may have been something quick but cats are notoriously stoic and hide problems well until they can’t.

Godspeed Bug.


I saw that. Someone kindly posted it. I certainly had no idea it would hit so soon.


Poor Bug, poor Larksmom - I’m so sorry your kitty went so unexpectedly. Hugs to you.

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I’m so sorry. Poor kitty. Could it have been poison that someone put in mouse traps? A cat throwing up isn’t unusual. It makes sense that you weren’t alarmed. Don’t blame yourself.