Building obstacles

I’m starting to build trail/ desensitization obstacles. I go trail riding multiple times a week but still would like to have obstacles at home for arena work. The ideas I have so far:

  1. Jump standards with pool noodles or other miscellaneous terrifying items attached to them
  2. Cones with flags in them
  3. Old tractor tires filled with dirt and stacked in a pyramid to climb
  4. Wood bridge that can be turned into a seesaw
  5. Platforms of varying heights to climb
  6. A gate to practice opening and closing while mounted
  7. A barrel with PVC poles attached that you can ride the horse and have them push the poles with their chest, kind of like a revolving door. Can attach scary items to the other poles so there’s something “chasing” the horse
  8. Kiddie pool filled with water, crinkly loud items, miscellaneous noisy stuff
  9. An archway to ride through with various things attached to it
  10. Of course, ground poles, tarps, and flags :slight_smile:

I am going to look through online trail and gymkhana patterns plus my working equitation handbook for more ideas. Anything else fun that I could build? Thank you!


Add some random concrete blocks or old tree trunks. Mystery shapes are what always got my guy on the trail.

Barrels or tables with something you can pick up at one spot and set down on another spot.

A barrel holding poles or flags you can pick up, carry, and either put back in the original barrel or in another barrel.

In addition to the kiddie pool, use some 4x4s and a heavy rubber liner to make a water box.