I’m starting to build trail/ desensitization obstacles. I go trail riding multiple times a week but still would like to have obstacles at home for arena work. The ideas I have so far:
- Jump standards with pool noodles or other miscellaneous terrifying items attached to them
- Cones with flags in them
- Old tractor tires filled with dirt and stacked in a pyramid to climb
- Wood bridge that can be turned into a seesaw
- Platforms of varying heights to climb
- A gate to practice opening and closing while mounted
- A barrel with PVC poles attached that you can ride the horse and have them push the poles with their chest, kind of like a revolving door. Can attach scary items to the other poles so there’s something “chasing” the horse
- Kiddie pool filled with water, crinkly loud items, miscellaneous noisy stuff
- An archway to ride through with various things attached to it
- Of course, ground poles, tarps, and flags
I am going to look through online trail and gymkhana patterns plus my working equitation handbook for more ideas. Anything else fun that I could build? Thank you!