I have a gelding who has always had a bump on his spine. He was imported and had it upon us acquiring him to race. We raced him successfully with it (88 starts), and it has never seemed to cause him issue. He has always been on the back burner for me, and used his “siblings” tack - including their much too wide saddles.
My vet(s) have always been unconcerned and felt no need to image it. Bodyworkers are much the same.
However, I recently decided to finally get him his own saddle. I had the saddle fitter out, and he reacted almost violently to anything that fit him on paper. Swishing tail, propping, just a complete 180. When put in a wide saddle, with a ogilvy pad, he was back to his happy, athletic self.
I’m planning on imaging the spine the next time the vet comes out, but has anyone seen anything similar to this?