Bush opens up a can of whoop a$$

<BLOCKQUOTE class=“ip-ubbcode-quote”><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR> I still think he’s doing a good job (on this particular issue)<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

I’m truly sorry if you thought I was trying to change your mind. We both agree that at this point in time he is doing a good job and deserves to be respected for that.

The other issues will have to wait on the back burner until this one runs it’s course.

Originally posted by Snowbird:<BLOCKQUOTE class=“ip-ubbcode-quote”><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR> I don’t think anyone ever thought of the Indian side as “indigenous natives” but rather worthy equal opponents<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>


The Indians were always the bad guys - worthy opponents my a$$!! How many B Westerns or 50’s TV shows showed the American Indian other than: a) a savage, unable to learn/speak English (although the white man scout always managed to learn enough Souix, Cherokee whatever to be able to translate ); b) a shifty drunken bum; or c) a sneaky dastardly coward who made off with the Cavalry’s horses in the night from the gasp offside!!!

And your comment about violence??? What were those ‘cowboys’ doing to those ‘Indians’ back in your youth? Why YES, I do believe they were practising KILLING THEM with toy cap guns and dodging the rubber tipped arrows the ‘Indians’ lobbed back at them. Good grief Snowbird, this is where you need to remove the rosecolored bifocles when you look back on your childhood.

EVERY GENERATION PREPARES ITSELF FOR BATTLE IN CHILDHOOD. Yes the world is more violent now, but not because of video games. It’s much wider spread than that. Today’s children will drop bombs and fire missiles, rarely hearing the sound of their victims dying. JUST LIKE ON THE VIDEO GAMES THEY’VE PLAYED! When a cowboy or Indian took an arrow or bullet, they clasped their wound, moaned, and dropped to the floor. Admit it, wasn’t one of your friends REALLY good at the death scenes and everyone would stop play and watch as he lay twitching Guns were what children EXPECTED to see on the battlefields where (until Desert Storm) every war was waged largely by infantry.

Whether you realize it or not, today’s children are preparing themselves for battle with the weapons they will use in the 21st century: COMPUTERS!

“Always look on the bright side of life, de doo, de doo de doo de doo”

125? I was under the impression that genius-level was about 162–nice round numbers, huh–and I also know quite a few people at “genious” level who might trip while chewing gum

Good point about Bill Gates… and with all the other monopolies we ignore…

Did anyone see the special with Peter Jennings last night about how we got into this mess? Apparently it was very good. They talked about how middle eastern citizens, especially youth are very tired of living in dictatorships that the US props up, but at the same time, showed the pervasiveness of western culture - MTV like television and the like. They also talked about Isreal and other things. Very good studying for COTH Arab studies.

The witchy witch witch of south central NC.

Bush says “No”

Re health insurance–

Doesn’t anyone think it’s odd that we all know the private insurance system sucks, that we are the only Western/industrialized nation in the WORLD that doesn’t guarantee health care to all its citizens, and yet we don’t even consider the alternatives to what we have.

On the same lines, we are the only industrialized nation in the West to cling to capital punishment. Yet we have one of the highest crime rates in the world.

Is there some strange disconnect in our thinking processes?

<BLOCKQUOTE class=“ip-ubbcode-quote”><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR> …and yes, I do defend your (generic) right to post inane and thoughtless things on this or any other BB…I stopped making fun of “other kids” in…oh about 8th or 9th grade…It is STILL a free country inspite of the fact that some don’t feel compelled to protect it as such. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

No, Jumphigh83, you didn’t stop making fun of the other kids, you just use different words to do it now.

“The thread started with a sophomoric comment on how the President pronounces words-in the final analysis such a sad commentary on what an individual feels we need to focus or comment on at a time of such grave issues challenging our freedom and democracy.”

The day we lose the privilege and freedom to make sophomoric comments will be a day even more tragic than September 11. I am a firm believer in disrespect as a maker of democracy; if we are afraid to say that the emperor has no clothes, then America has lost far more than lives in the attack. Dubya is Dubya; he is making a heroic effort under incredibly difficult circumstances to rise to the occassion. Only time will tell if he is up to the task, and if he is, God bless him. Even if he isn’t, God bless him. He is doing the best he can and probably better than anyone ever expected. But don’t ask us to pretend he is without fault, because to do so would be downright un-American.

<BLOCKQUOTE class=“ip-ubbcode-quote”><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by hobson:
The Washintgon Post just ran a story about the Bush Administration’s plans to keep information about the retaliation effort firmly under wraps. Deliberate disinformation will be a part of the strategy. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

This is something I find interesting and which has bothered me a bit since the start.

Why has so much information about the size/location/distribution of American troops been broadcast through the media? Same with interviews with high-ranking intelligence officers? IMO that sort of stuff should have been kept as confidential as possible - obviously there is always some “need to know” information for the general public, and of course there are always spies from the other side to find out the rest, but really, should so much of this been broadcast on CNN which just about anyone in any country can recieve?

Anyone else think this? I know there really is top secret stuff we don’t know about, but should the rest of the plans been broadcast on TV?

Or should we assume that you agree with Ted Nugent and Snowbird in their entirety?

On the third day of the 3rd millenium, a great falcon will fly. It’s course shall be interupted by a golden haired angel of death in the sky. The heavens shall rain a golden oil substance in mourning for the falcon, clogging the hearts of those who worship the golden haired angel of death

Ride it Like You Stole It…

<BLOCKQUOTE class=“ip-ubbcode-quote”><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Jumphigh83:

Free speech is only free here if it is pro Clinton and liberal…

That is completely untrue. See below for what people are upset about.

well guess what?? Bush may have opened a can of whoop a$$ but I have a case of kiss my a$$ in my cupboard.

[B]This is what I personally object to strongly, no matter WHO does it or WHY…this goes FAR beyond what your friend elizabeth has characterized as “directness”. You are basically swearing at someone for disagreeing with you. Have any opinion you like. You are entitled to have it and express it. So am I, so is everyone.

But I find your repeated and continual inability to let someone else express an opinion you don’t like without swearing, hysteria, name-calling, and other forms of complete disrespect inexplicable and almost inexcusable, in this context. It’s possible that you are currently having some kind of crisis in your private life, I don’t know, that might explain it. This has nothing to do with political or any other kind of debate as I understand it.[/B]<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

This morning’s post and this one are directed not only at jumphigh but to anyone whose foot is the right size.

why are you so mean?

Betsy (in Md)

time in some time Snowbird you got a chuckle out of me concerning your comment about squashing BIN LADEN like a bug !

PT, I agree with you on many levels, but I think think the world, because of communication, travel, technology, etc. this century more than ever is becoming more connected, these are the growing pains and what we decide in each battle will decide whether we survive as a species. There are so many things I disagree with in Arab/muslim culture, and in regards to their take on Israel, but I think we do need to pay attention to how we are viewed.

This is only the beginning, eventually we will have to encounter Govt’s in Africa, Asia, etc all striving to attain power, all also striving to reach past dictatorships, terrorists, all managing to attain modern war weapons.

We went into Afghanistan to protect western interests against Russia and than under the guise of not getting involved and minding our own business (which seemed appropriate at the time) we left. This is the result.

I have to add that for someone who was not a Bush supporter, I have been endlessly impressed with his speeches and his approach. While some may think his efforts to enlighten and encourage children to send a dollar to Afghanistan may be just propaganda, it is the propaganda I’d like to see being used.

No one beats the U.S. when it comes to emergency care, trauma, etc., but when it comes to preventative care and chronic conditions…we need some improvement.

Betsy (in Md.)

Give them food, while we get death!
Terrific idea!
Gosh guys, when will we realize that this isn’t some little petty thing going on? There is a true threat to this nation and the free world!
Giving bread to the people of that region isn’t going to help us over here when our buildings are being attacked and our way of life is put into complete fear!
How many American buildings need to be destroyed before we take serious action?
How many American lives need to be lost before we declare war?

<BLOCKQUOTE class=“ip-ubbcode-quote”><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>I really feel for the Middle Eastern citizens of this country right now. Talk about out of the frying pan, into the fire…

I thought that was what Jumphigh was talking about being gross…I had slightly more disturbing image in my head than Mr. Clinton and his honeys in the sugar shack!
Why do we find sex so offensive? I read in a poll that people would rather have their kids watch the Soprano’s than Sex in the City. Personally, I find violence way sicker than a couple of people getting hot and heavy…
My bad, back to Multiple Regression right this second for me…

Ride it Like You Stole It…

Yes and the Saudi will as the Arab Emirate take a strong position. That’s how the little snow ball becomes a big boulder.

They know that as long as these sociopaths make the religion of Islam the victim of their activities they are just as likely to be victimized.

That I believe is the whole brilliance of the strategy underway. In fact as long as the Bin Laden supporters believe what they do then all of Islam is even more guilty of sinful ways than we are.

They don’t want to see their people all over the world being killed either. I think they can and will flush Bin Laden and the likes of him out into the open where they will eventually be tried in a world court like Melosovic and other villains against humanity.

I don’t see that we have anything to fear, I think this is the right move at the right time after an event that everyone can understand. I think that it is possible as said by Bush to have the whole world together on an issue and together we can cure this cancer by cutting it out of the human body.

We are not alone this time, and we are doing it right.

Flash44 you are on the right track, that’s what I did, I made my move into a business so I could be at home and raise my children. There has never been a day that my children or my grandchildren didn’t know they had someone waiting for them at home.

I was a latch-key kid and I know how I felt. Yes! as women we can find ways to balance the picture. I made my choice and I don’t need to retire. I have been happy with every day of my life. Why would I spend $200 a day to go to a hotel? I can sit on my own back porch and watch the horses play.

Why go to a fancy beach and sit in the sun with sunscreen so you can’t get tan? It’s certainly not confortable.

How can anyone expect a $300 a week Nannie to raise their children to be any better than an $300 a week Nannie? Why should you pay people to have all the joys of watching your children grow into people?

So I commend you because you can do it all, it’s not easy but it’s worth it.

Sniff, Sniff…I’m feeling so Trivial and Superficial…sniff…sniff…