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Bush opens up a can of whoop a$$

Everyone watching? He looks just like his daddy! And sounds like him too.

F44 - Once a nerd, always a nerd.

I’m sorry - No, I won’t apologize. I think he was great. So there. I had to pause a minute to say this.

Thanks- I didn’t know there were other manufacturers of this system. What a great idea. I hope it catches on in the US. Our tanks for hog waste are actually open “ponds” which lead to huge environmental problems… especially when they flood. ewe.

The witchy witch witch of south central NC.

Sorry, I just can’t go here. It all just seems like hot air, political rhetoric, and “patriotism, the last refuge of scoundrels.” (can’t even remember the source…Voltaire??? help me out here)

Only time will tell whether there actually IS anybody home inside Dubya’s brain, or if his handlers and speech writers are just doing a really good job.

I may not like him, but I sure as h*ll am willing to pray for him.

I think maybe the part about nations and F-15s being agents of God bothers hobson.

I personally would like to think that one could be religious and a have a deep respect for one’s god, without believing that said god might sanction a nation’s or a machine’s actions. I mean F-15s are not perfect. They can kill the innocent along with the guilty. Maybe it’s tough for some people to reconcile that the god they believe in would sanction such a thing.

Maybe they support this action fully, and to the bottom of their patriotic heart. Maybe they are deeply hurt, outraged, grief struck and angered at this horrific action against innocent people and our nation. And maybe, as we, the United States and our allies in this effort go forth and do what must be done, they think that just maybe, their god is deeply disappointed that it has come to this point. Maybe they think their god mourns the loss of all life killed by another human being, not just those that died on September 11.

I can’t speak for others, but that is how I feel about it…

As for a Nation, Nations are different. According to Hans Morganthau, one of the “fathers of international policy” and someone I place a deep amount of respect in (this will shock all those who think I am a total tree hugging liberal, since ole Hans is somewhere to the right of Henry Kissinger ).

Morganthau establishes that Nations are not moral, in the accepted sense. They may act morally, but they do that for pragmatic reasons (i.e., they will follow a moral course if it is also the pragmatic course). Nations have ONE guiding principle, and that is that they act in their best interests, and to the extent their power allows. Of course this is an incredible simplification of about 400 pages of brilliant doctrine, but it gets the point across.

It turns out somebody was listening to our pizza-tipped missile strategy suggestions. This is from today’s Financial Times:

Allies outline “Bread and bombs” campaign aims

Did someone actually pay Ted Nugent for his comments? I thought he offered them up for free, like we do

I haven’t had time to read all the jibber out here my lord 4 pages since I signed off last.

But, Ilona I knew there was a reason why I understood you. One my favorite name should have been Ilona, on my birth certificate it says my naame was supposed to be Illonka. But then it’s all in hungarian so no one can even read my birth certificate.

Anyway when you mentioned that your mother came from the Ukraine then I knew for sure. By any chance any where near UzHorod? That’s where my mom grew up. That is a uniques and special place with people who have special genes for independence of thought and action.

My mother went back to visit awhile ago, before Russia fell apart and I’m lucky she ever got home. Apparently, the rule is that she was only supposed to visit in the hotel for “internationals” but she said she had to go the bathroom to escape the guards and snuck out the back door where her family was waiting for her to take her back to the farm.

I have also been solicited by a Cossack group anxious to make the American Tour. They are the ones who perform all over Europe, how they found me I don’t know but I haven’t been helpful because I haven’t a clue how to arrange a national tour. Especially since I am certain it is not their intention to return to the Ukraine.

Anyway, these young bleeding hearts have not had the experience on which to found their judgments so don’t let them get to you. They have yet to learn the books on your night stand are not a sign of your education because the books haven’t been read yet.

Enter another facet of grim reality to this terrorist act.

Kudos to your husband, vineyridge! I’m sure the New Yorkers will LOVE his accent!

In an effort to be politically correct I think the majority of Republicans are not extreme right, that is off in the rain gutter so they choose the path of least resistence which is silence. They depend on others to vocalize their opinions.

A true believer in individual rights would never object to whatever you want to do to your body including cigarettes and alcohol. How and with whom you choose to love is also not the business of anyone and the reason for our opposition to Big Brother.

I think I am as offended as you when the government tries to come into my home and tell me how to live my life. I figure if it is God who gave me life and free will, it is only between God and me what I do with it.

Worse, as you may have already gleaned I am one of those stubborn people who, the more you tell I can’t, “I WILL”. And, the more you tell me I must, “I WON’T”. That’s not the Republican part, that’s the Hungarian part.

I have already debated several legislators on the hypocricy of trying to have all this healthy stuff being promoted and then complaining because we have the audacity to live too long. I’m beginning to wonder if some time we will be required to check into the dying place at 70 to balance the economy. (AKA Aldous Huxley)

My other pet peeve is that no one looks to see who paid for the survey that says we should drink red wine instead of white wine, or how about the two slices of rye bread to prevent cancer and a 100 more idiot reports paid for by the people who will increase their business if you believe the report.

M. O’Connor, I completely agree with you…people can be amazingly resilient, and the mind does have a way of healing itself in cases of post-traumatic stress syndrome, with or without therapy. I even think in some cases too much self-analysis encourages people to dwell on bad experiences to the point it weakens them and makes it harder for them to get back to the business of living. (note I’m not referring to inherited mental illnesses.)

I’m in awe of people who pull together the resolve to overcome horrific wartime experiences and return to life as normal. It is a remarkable demonstration of the will of the human spirit to survive, and certainly gives some perspective to so many of the things we gripe about in our own lives. I’m glad to see so much support for the military in the current situation with Afghanistan.

Okay, Magnolia, you’ve suggested exchanging Pamela Anderson for Bin Laden, now we need a name for this new covert operation. Let’s see, we’ve had “arms for hostages”, I guess this would be “Boobs for Beards”??

I was impressed by what he said. Even the left twistin liberal press gave him kudos. To campare him to FDR when you’re in the press is hutspha.

He didn’t threaten, he promised and he laid out his terms of engagement plain and simple. This has created the worst nightmare for all terrorists, a strong single purpose America, that’s not so busy fighting with each other that they don’t notice what the terrorists are doing. Finally, our guys don’t have their hands tied behaind their back just taking punches.

I’ve known lots of folks with different accents and I really find it offensive to have the only criticism his speach patterns. Look at it this way to him our New York accent is almost unintelligible. I don’t think he looked at all like a copy of his Daddy. And, you know what if you had a job and the closest person who would understand, and had experience was your Daddy so what?

His father had the unfortunate quality of talking in abstractions that people didn’t undestand. Now Bubba on the other hand was fabulous with the four word four letter synopsis of an idea, so it could become a mantra.

On another thread, someone kept repeating that they would not send their loved ones to war. Well s/he got jumped on pretty good, but stuck to their beliefs. I responded by saying that s/he may not WANT to send their loved ones to war, but in the end, there’s no choice, because when war is declared loved ones go anyway BY THEIR OWN CHOICE.

Just heard from my sis-in-law that my nephew, a commissioned 23 y.o 2nd Lt in the Marines is back at classes at Quantico. On 9/11 they were told “classes are cancelled. Go back to your rooms and pack your bags.” They were ready to go and on alert for 3 days. Then the order came to stand down and return to class.

Cindy asked David if the guys yes, this class is all men were disappointed. His answer: Yes - we WERE ready; we ARE ready; and we want to GO!

I am terrified that I will lose my dear nephew, and my brother & Cindy their only child, but he believes in his country, his president, and the sanctity of American soil as a place of refuge for the poor, weary and downtrodden of the world. What better person to defend those of us sitting here at home tapping away on our keyboards debating the accent of our Leader?

I just want SOMEONE to prove that THIS TIME ‘military intelligence’ is NOT an oxymoron!!!

“Always look on the bright side of life, de doo, de doo de doo de doo”

It’s UnAmerican - cause it’s Canadian!

I watched an excerpt this evening of Bush’s speech from the offices of the CIA - an occasion during which he re-stated his support of its head, George Tenet, and reinforced his military resolve.

His speech also gave birth to a new word, “misunderestimated”.

English is not my mother tongue, I did not attend Yale, nor am I the President of the U.S. I was, however, raised by my parents to excel, to speak better, to write better, to study harder and achieve to the best of my abilities. Given that life context, I can’t help but question the essential intelligence of a man who, in the course of his 40+ years of life on American soil, hasn’t yet figured out that ‘misunderestimated’ is not a word in any English dictionary.

Whether it’s a true indication of his ability to deal effectively with the threat of terrorism - I don’t know. I do know, however, that, at the very least, the President of the United States should speak better than my 9 and 11-year-old.

LOL Worthy - I’ve spent most of my working life working for Evil Insurance Companies - we are much more subtle than that!!! But still eeeeevil, of course - we pride ourselves in that regard

Bye heidi.

Admittedly, Bgoosewood, every time I hear that Baxter Black guy on NPR, I lunge desperately for the radio to turn it off.

Those of us inside the Beltway are admittedly biased, but what are our conclusions/conjectures here?

(1) The Bush Administration has been wise to wait instead of engaging in a “fools rush in” scenario;
(2)Bush is receiving good counsel from his military/political advisors re the wisdom of waiting; i.e. he is at least bright enough to listen and do what his advisors are telling him to do.
(3) The effort to build an internationl coalition is essential, and the Bush Administration is doing a good job so far.
(4) The fact is, that this is a global dilemma. Many nations have lived with the threat of terrorism and despotism for decades and we (i.e., the USA) have turned our heads unless the confrontation affected our direct interests. Admittedly, we may not even have been aware of the effects of our actions or inactions on this global travesty, but, nevertheless, we are culpable.
(5) Let’s acknowledge the fact that; (i) our “first American” ancestors practiced what today would have been regarded as genocide on the indigenous peoples of the Americas; (ii) Snowbird’s fantasies re the conflict between native Americans and European usurpers has nothing to do with the grim and pathetic reality of recorded history; and (iii) if we are to survive, we must promote tolerance, understanding, and acceptance no matter the cost

[This message was edited by Inverness on Oct. 05, 2001 at 04:50 PM.]

[This message was edited by Inverness on Oct. 05, 2001 at 04:51 PM.]