BUSHvsGORE re:Horse Industry

I too am forced out of lurkdom for this thread. I’d like help in compiling a list of famous lies told by US Presidents. I’ll start with those I know offhand:

  1. We had no forewarning that the Japanese were planning an attack on Pearl Harbor;

  2. Lee Harvey Oswald acted alone;

  3. We are winning the Vietnam War;

  4. The White House knows nothing about the Watergate burglary;

  5. I am not a crook;

  6. There was no arms for hostages deal;

  7. The Willy Horton ads were not racially-motivated;

  8. Clarence Thomas is qualified to be a Justice of the Supreme Court.

  9. I did not have sexual relations with that woman.

All in all, I’d rank Clinton’s lie pretty low on my list of humdingers.

Exactly, Inverness. That’s why the judiciary would like to have that chat. The portions left blank all pertained to previous arrests and convictions.

"If Gore wins the election and makes Supreme Court appointments you will have your liberal SC bench, preserved park lands you won’t be allowed to ride on, programs to heal every person for every afliction and the thought police everywhere. "

If Bush gets elected, you will have park lands for sale to the ummmmm, “highest” bidder. Trust me, I even heard it from a Bush supporter - if you care about the environment, he is not your friend. And trust me, big corporation of logging is going to be much less welcoming to your horses then the park service. Oh, and in 4 years…well, let’s just say that once trees are gone, it’s a long process to grow 'em back.

I function on some advisory boards and other horse committees, the original question is who would be better for horse people. Well, I think that the Republicans in general are better for the farmers. We are supposed to be farmers since we keep livestock.

Democrats generally that I have been interviewed by, have only one interest, that seems to be “hack strings”. Their favorite objection to us is that we are rich, we use our farms as gentlemen estates to cheat the government of taxes and we are not farmers because we oppose having horses to eat, therefore we do not have a viable farm product. They worry about the inner city rider who may rent one of our horses for an hour and fall off and get hurt, “Who will pay their medical bills?”

The envirommentalists do not consider that horses are an appropriate use for public land because horses drop manure behind. Their hoofs chew up the trails and make it unpleasant for the joggers and walkers. They also do not consider that we are what they call a passive use of the land but lump us in with motor bikes (the definition of passive means that you make no change to the land). Most in government I have met are definitely not fond of horses and consider them a toy of the rich and famous. And, they are offended by the smells from manure which they consider a polutant, and of course the flies which then interfere with their barbeques. They don’t object to them at the tracks because that produces revenue and the critters are isolated from the public.

Most are unaware that the horse industry is a viable one that contributes to the economy. Therefore, Republicans who believe in small business seem much more responsive to our problems and needs.

Therefore, on those counts I think you would have to choose Bush as one of the people most likely to help our industry. And, Gore most likely to see our sport as less attractive.

Our own “elitism” perception makes it necessary to oppose Democrats (and therefore Gore)who think that anyone who is not on welfare is rich except them. They certainly, believe that if you own horses then you’re not paying enough taxes.

[This message has been edited by Snowbird (edited 10-22-2000).]

Bush is an idiot who is also a pathological liar !

What foreighn diplomacy does he have ?
What businesses did he operate ?
failed ones!
What branch of the military was he in ?
NONE ( i think?)
HOw did he reproach “slick willie” Clinton?
Bush’s party wasted millions of our tax dollars going after a dirty old man!

Neither is the one hope this once great nation should have, they are both lying, liberal(ie money wasting), power hungry, BIG CORPORATION supporting, rights stripping, 2 faced, media puppets !

(sorry, I couldn’t resist!)

[This message has been edited by magnolia (edited 10-26-2000).]

Originally posted by magnolia:

Hobson - this makes me laugh - my boyfriend is a Nader man (he voted early, but couldn’t vote Green - not on the NC ballot - talk about a crock of $%&# (could they not have gotten 2000 signatures in the Hygenically challenged Asheville area?). At any rate, he is a granola freak and wouldn’t touch Cap’n Crunch with a 10’ pole ~ but I digress. I should fix you 2 up. LOL

Magnolia, I believe this is at least the second time you have mentioned getting me together with your BF…what’s going on? You getting tired of the soy milk and the hummus and the natural hemp clothing? I appreciate your offer, but I already have a smarty-pants socialist/green husband who happens to look really sexy in his cycling team jersey. Whoops! That last part is for the “Designers” thread! If you guys are ever in Philly, drop me a line and I’ll get you both a cheesesteak. (I personally avoid these heart attacks on a bun, but I think your BF needs one.)

Yes, I grow weary of the odor… I did get him to buy deodorant! Oops, Hobson, no cheesesteaks for us, we are both Veggies, but we do make a mean Hummus.

Janet - hats off to you! You know, the top 1% may pay 30% of taxes, but I believe they have the most money. I believe the figure is that the top 20% make more than the bottom 80% combined. Ouch!
Hate to say it, but a lot of rich business owners treat employees like a commodity and choose not to provide needs for them. I work for a family that makes multi million dollar donations to arts foundations, but choose to keep a large part of their workforce minimum wage and part time to avoid providing insurance benefits. Well, somebody has to make it so these folks make a living, so the Govt takes way more taxes from them and evens things out…I guess taxes are an equalizer, like it or not ~ if you make 10 million a year and pay employees minimum wage, well, you’re going to pay some how. I guess I don’t really have a point, just wanted to maybe explain why rich folks pay higher taxes…

<BLOCKQUOTE class=“ip-ubbcode-quote”><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by ponyesq:
And comparing a democratic administration to Nazis is just plain mind boggling… <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Thanks, Ponyesq… I was hoping I wasn’t the only one taken aback by that ummm… interesting analogy…

And as a Certified Cynic, I tend to believe that if one thinks the world as we know it is going to radically change, and all the evils as one perceives them will magically cease to exist if one’s candidate is elected… well, wouldn’t it be just grand if life was THAT black and white?

<BLOCKQUOTE class=“ip-ubbcode-quote”><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Mariner:
[B]I too am forced out of lurkdom for this thread. I’d like help in compiling a list of famous lies told by US Presidents. I’ll start with those I know offhand:

  1. We had no forewarning that the Japanese were planning an attack on Pearl Harbor;

  2. Lee Harvey Oswald acted alone;

  3. We are winning the Vietnam War;

  4. The White House knows nothing about the Watergate burglary;

  5. I am not a crook;

  6. There was no arms for hostages deal;

  7. The Willy Horton ads were not racially-motivated;

  8. Clarence Thomas is qualified to be a Justice of the Supreme Court.

  9. I did not have sexual relations with that woman.

All in all, I’d rank Clinton’s lie pretty low on my list of humdingers. [/B]<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Yeah, and Vince Foster’s death was a suicide.

I’ve never actually met a Christian.

Thanks a lot, guys. With logging season upon us, my husband has decided to rename our team of Belgians (formerly Zeke and Bill) Leftist Dupe and Right Wing Conspiracy. It’s going to take him 20 more yards to make a turn.

Just a reply to Aly regarding Houston’s air pollution - it is not only the cars, Mexican lawn crews with gas leaf blowers etc. If you have ever been to this part of Texas, check out the refineries and chem plants near the ship channel. Ugly, stinking pollution machines- yes. But a necessary evil if Americans continue to desire gasoline, fuel oil, plastics etc etc. They’ve got to put the refineries somewhere. Refineries must be near navigable water routes to ship in the crude, so that lets places like Kansas and Montana out of the possible sites list. The Houston/Beaumont refineries were originally situtated near the sources of oil (Spindletop) and the cities grew up around the refineries. Yes, they create an ungodly amt of pollution (tho the oil co lobbyists will tell you that they are putting out “safe levels” of the various pollutants) but they are necessary to life as we all know it.
And a brief comment about the state of Texas’ education - comparing Texas schools to Michigan schools is like comparing apples and Chevies - Texas has a MASSIVE population of non-Ingles speaking, possibly illegal, minorities who are in public schools and taking tests just like everyone else. But they don’t speak Ingles…Needless to say they score fairly low on TAAS tests.
All this is not to say Texas or Bush is perfect.

<BLOCKQUOTE class=“ip-ubbcode-quote”><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by hobson:
[B]Uh-oh. When I am in the middle of a diplomatic problem, I always ask myself, what would Captain Picard do in this situation? (yeah, I’m a Star Trek fan on top of everything else…and Jean-Luc rides horses too!)

Rockstar, what will I do with you? This is not the place where anyone is going to be converted, so you’ll have to accept that. The value here is that we are all learning from one another what a diverse group we are, and I additionally hope we are gaining some new insights into political positions we might formerly have dismissed. I hope you don’t drop out of the discussion, because it’s been such fun! I dislike inaccurate generalizations as much as you do, and I understand it’s horribly frustrating. But I would ask you to do the right thing and not throw insults back, because it does nothing for your cause. Right now, Sannois thinks that you’re not only a socialist, but a rude socialist to boot. I think the Captain would keep his calm and say something like , Sannois, you may have misunderstood me when I explained the democratic party’s position on such-and-such. I see that you have concerns about this or that topic, so allow me to be more clear about it.

As the Captain would say, “Make it so, Geordie!”[/B]<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

I know, I know Hobson. I envy you for your ability to serve as such a peacemaker. I thought I possessed that ability… but some of the posts just pushed me over the edge! And believe me, I don’t like that I felt I had to post that. As much as I am disapointed in myself that I could not hold back… I don’t take any of it back either!

what’s a young politico to do who is sitting at home twittling (sp?) her thumbs watching CNN and Fox news and msnbc, itching to get out on the campaign trail and meeting poeple in person and dealing with them in real time instead of on a BB?

shutup i guess…

if my mom could only see me now after the gazillions of times she said, “if you don’t have anything nice to say don’t say anything at all”.

<BLOCKQUOTE class=“ip-ubbcode-quote”><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by pacificsolo:
[B] I did it too…saved nearly 2 1/2 times more with Bush’s proposal!..They say numbers don’t lie! concept…wonder if it works?


If taxes were the only issue then the choice wouldn’t be difficult, now would it? How the rest of the issues are handled matter greatly.

<BLOCKQUOTE class=“ip-ubbcode-quote”><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Jumphigh83:

And further more, WHO CARES what the “rest” of the world thinks of us??? They are jealous that we are the richest, free-est, most self sufficient bread basket in the WORLD and without us, alot of them could not survive. (let them EAT thier oil). Oh I know I sleep well at night knowing that a lying,cheating,treasonous (sp?) piece of crap is in the White House with one finger on Monica and the other on “the button” and they have all you liberal dems blessing and approval. AMAZING.

Perhaps I misspoke. The term “self-righteous” does not aptly describe this attitude. I believe that the terms “arrogant,” “ignorant,” “intolerant” and “hateful” are more appropriate.

The comparison to the Third Reich is simply ludicrous and is undeserving of comment.

Please, the rest of you, do not think that all Bush/Cheney supporters are of Jumphigh’s ilk. There are many of us out here who not only have a firm grasp of reality (and history), but who also truly are compassionately conservative.


The horsey woman’s candidate!!!

<BLOCKQUOTE class=“ip-ubbcode-quote”><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Jumphigh83:
[B] I am not losing any sleep over it. You think your socialist thoughts and I will think my democratic thoughts. I will Pay for my kids education. I don’t mind supporting a system where PERSONAL RESPONSIBILTY is primary and the give aways are done away with. I don’t NEED the government to tell me how, when , where, why and how to run my life. I have to get off this BB because the convoluted thinking is too frustrating. When we are being basically told everything we can and can not do by the government I will know who to thank: all you socialist liberals. BTW, do read up on history and you will see that socailism doesn’t work. (China, USSR…) Just some food for thought.


Damn. Really??? Are ya sure socialism doesn’t work? Well shoot. And here I was thinking all I had to do was hand over every decison to some powerful elitist so that equality could finally be reached. That is, after all, what all of us crazy socialist liberals think, right?

Everyone stop! Our crazy socialist ideas or scaring Jumphigh83 off the thread! Heaven help us.

I know… that was very low… but I am sorry… I have to have a little fun when I get to be called a socialist liberal for the first time

I am NOT anywhere NEAR being a socialist… I simply believe in lending a hand to those who need help… I believe in social welfare and being compassionate. Oh but that translates to me being a socialist… yeah. That must explain why I am a moderate Democrat.

BTW, do read up on history and you will see that social darwinism doesn’t work. Just some food for thought.

Oh but here… I have some reading material for you. Does any of this ring a bell?

The following is from “Social Darwinism,” Microsoft® Encarta® 98 Encyclopedia. © 1993-1997 Microsoft Corporation.

"Social Darwinism, term coined in the late 19th century to describe the idea that humans, like animals and plants, compete in a struggle for existence in which natural selection results in ‘survival of the fittest.’ Social Darwinists base their beliefs on theories of evolution developed by British naturalist Charles Darwin. Some social Darwinists argue that governments should not interfere with human competition by attempting to regulate the economy or cure social ills such as poverty. Instead, they advocate a laissez-faire political and economic system that favors competition and self-interest in social and business affairs. Social Darwinists typically deny that they advocate a “law of the jungle.” But most propose arguments that justify imbalances of power between individuals, races, and nations because they consider some people more fit to survive than others.

Social Darwinism characterizes a variety of past and present social policies and theories, from attempts to reduce the power of government to theories exploring the biological causes of human behavior. Many people believe that the concept of social Darwinism explains the philosophical rationalization behind racism, imperialism, and capitalism. The term has negative implications for most people because they consider it a rejection of compassion and social responsibility.

Although social Darwinism was highly influential at the beginning of the 20th century, it rapidly lost popularity and support after World War I (1914-1918). During the 1920s and 1930s many political observers blamed it for contributing to German militarism and the rise of Nazism (see National Socialism)."

[This message has been edited by rockstar (edited 10-22-2000).]

[This message has been edited by rockstar (edited 10-22-2000).]

Aly- You’re not implying that it is the government’s job to hire teachers to teach everyone who can swim into the country in their chosen language, are you?

Actually, in some places they do that - Fairfax VA had some classrooms in elem school with 10 or 12 “assistants” whose purpose was to translate the class into the child’s native language. Your tax dollars at work !!!

<BLOCKQUOTE class=“ip-ubbcode-quote”><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by hobson:
[B] Imagine italics here: the legal gun market is where bad people’s guns originally come from. So when legal aquisition is limited, so is the supply of guns available to felons.


Hobson, a well made gun can last hundreds of years. Let’s take this to the extreme. Private ownership of guns is made illegal. Is the guy who held up the liquor store going to say, ‘Gee, I guess I’ll have to turn it in.’???

You should read a scientific study published in the Journal of Legal Studies by John R. Lott, Jr. He is a senior research scholar at Yale Law School. It is called, ‘More guns, Less Crime’ and has been published in book form. It is, of course, deadly boring, with endless footnotes, bibliography, charts and statistics, but the title of the book sums up the findings. More guns, less crime.

Speaking on behalf of us heathen murdering liars who don’t own semi-automatic handguns and who speak with proper diction, I take offense to your post.

[This message has been edited by Gryphon (edited 11-02-2000).]

Sannois (love the name) wrote: “The opportunity is there for everyone to succeed. Try getting off your butts and working.”

No, it isn’t, Sannois. I tried to make this point before: times have changed. The opportunity is NOT there for everyone anymore. I mentioned before how, if a student has to work as well as go to school, s/he doesn’t receive anywhere near the education that a student who doesn’t have to work CAN receive (s/he doesn’t even have TIME to take advantage of opportunities that arise that might get her/him ahead).

Yes, back in the olden days of lore people worked and went to school and put in 18 hour days and succeeded. But that was then: the world moved a lot more slowly than it does now.

I feel for my students (albeit, it’s a love/hate relationship). Try teaching–and, mind you, my students are predominantly middle class AND I’ve taught in institutions where they were upper middle class as well. They are all doomed, with the exception of those with the intelligence to become the high techies and those whose families can give them a headstart with funds or at least a loan co-signature. Everyone else is headed into the trenches, never to be heard from again.

The best example of this is the horse world, of course. It USED to be possible to work hard and get ahead, but it isn’t any more. Granted, Snowbird is right to a certain extent: some of what I’m arguing does depend on how you define “rich.” But maybe it’s easier to define “not rich.”

“Not rich” is not having any discretionary income on which to buy luxuries, like horses or show circuits. For the person in the trenches, it means you MUST produce something worthwhile or YOU CAN NOT CONTINUE. You MUST sell or you will go out of business. For the young person with great aspirations, it means you cannot ask your parents to help you (or just support you while you try) and you cannot ask anyone else either because there IS no one else. You don’t even travel in the right circles such that you could encounter “someone else.” You don’t travel in those circles because those circles are so expensive to travel in. And because you are working so hard, you don’t have the time, energy or knowledge to come up with other ways to encounter “someone else.”

[Break time: part of the above comes from personal experience, of course. Everyone says I should marry a rich guy. Oh, heck, I don’t even have the TIME to go anywhere or do anything such that he’d ever notice I exist, whether he’s rich or not. Imagine being too “not rich” to be unable to find a MAN? Geezum. And I KNOW I’m not alone in this problem. It’s one of the sacrifices we make, right other-ambitious-ladies?]

In the olden days of lore–even in the horse industry–the circles where opportunity could be found weren’t that expensive. It WAS possible for someone to notice how hard you work and how talented you are because you’d run into that someone in the barn, the schooling ring, the exhibitors tent, or whatever. Indeed, maybe your trainer would introduce you to that person. But today, your trainer is struggling in the trenches as much as you are and doesn’t have the time or the inclination to help you much (unless you are “worth” helping in that you have contacts/family/whatever that will also help the trainer). That’s not another trainer slight: the person I’m describing IS a trainer.

Today, the distance between the “not rich” and the “rich” is so much wider than it once was that you live in completely different worlds (and they haven’t a clue that you do–they are so distant that they “just don’t get it”). The rich are so rich now that they never need cross paths with the “not rich” at all. They aren’t IN the barn when you are, there’s a different tent for them that you can’t afford the tickets to get into, they don’t hang out on the rail anymore, they do everything through trainers and agents so they don’t interact with a wide range of participants anymore.

[You know what drives me the most nuts? Everyone says you have to “network” in any business if you are to succeed. But no one admits that you have to network with the RIGHT PEOPLE. Networking with other sorryasses like yourself doesn’t get you there, except, occasionally, through sheer luck when that other sorryass makes good.]

Some of you are undoubtedly saying to yourselves: why is she so convinced that the “not rich” NEED interaction with the rich to get ahead? One proof is the networking fact. Also, however, money has to come from somewhere for ANY business, whether it’s through loans or clientele. Even the trickle-down economics of the Republican mantra understands that. But today, the money is too far away: it never makes it ALL the way down. Indeed, it is sort of hoarded at a level somewhere between “rich” and “not quite that rich” in my opinion.

None of this is “their” fault by the way. It is just reality. It takes money to make money these days, except in the techie industries. Give me one, single example that is an exception? Just one (in the horse industry in the last, oh, say, 15 years: someone WITHOUT some connection to $$$ somewhere–Nona Garson, you’ll say, Snowbird. I think not. SOMEONE’s discretionary income enabled her to take riding lessons)?

What about highly skilled and educated people? Like doctors and lawyers and college professors, perhaps? Nope, sorry: Even THEY have little discretionary income if they had to work and borrow for the education that got them ahead: they are too busy paying off loans by taking on whatever jobs will pay their bills. By the time they’ve paid off the bills, they are too tired, old or children-laden to do more.

And, BTW, discretionary income is also that which enables someone to start and maintain a small business. It’s either that or loans, right? But where does the “not rich” get loans from? Oh, right, those baddies, the government and its programs. Hmmmm… Do ya think just maybe there is something to a little government assistance to break the cycle of the “not rich”?

You may hear more about the “poor,” but it’s the plight of the “not rich” that is the real problem. And I haven’t even starting in on the “working poor” (someone else here did though).

It’s nice to be able to soothe your conscience by getting angry at the 300 pound welfare mamma, but she’s actually a minority in this issue (yeah, yeah–bad word choice, sorry). There are more “working poor” and “not [and never will be?] rich” than there are welfare mammas.

But you go ahead and focus on her if that makes you feel better.

Meanwhile, WE are going to elect to find ways to break the cycle of the rich getting richer while the not rich get poorer: Gore on Tuesday and Nader in 2004.

[This message has been edited by pwynnnorman (edited 11-05-2000).]