BUSHvsGORE re:Horse Industry

“It is simply unfair for people to get upset with politicians for promising the moon and then breaking their promises, because nobody, BUT NOBODY votes for someone who really tells the truth.”

Yeah, but everyone we can pick is a liar.

Also, did anyone hear about Bush’s brush with the law? I realize it was 20 some years ago, but DRUNK DRIVING? How immoral is that? You could selfishly kill someone. I have zero respect for drunk drivers, even that didn’t kill anyone. This from a man that thought it was fine to strip search a mommy for driving without a seatbelt. I think he should at least apologize for this and should have been up front - and admitted to being arrested.
Republicans, why in the world did you chose this man over McCain? Bush is a stupid puppet. McCain was noble, and served his country and had a personality. Will you please get your acts together and nominate him in 2004?
Oh, and by the way, why all these secret meetings b/w Bush and Pat Robertson? Just curious…

I wondered that myself, Erin. I generally like Michael Moore’s pieces, but I don’t think I would equate 90 minutes in custody with “spending time in jail.”

On the other hand, the fact that the record was expunged for unknown reasons does make me wonder . . .

As someone of youth who is firmiliar with Bush’s Education I can’t realy say that our education system is all that wonderfull. You can go to mysanantonio.com and ead up on how our schools work. I realy recomend taking a look att exas as fare as school goes. When I moved here being dislexic I was astonished by the treatment I recieved. A class for special children are fare from that. I was in my first 2 months of school put into classes with mentaly retarded children. Nothing against them but when you are put into those types of classes you feal dumb. After my first 2 months I transferd out of the public school system to a private school. But I was treated no diffrent. i was asked to be held back a year cause they felt comeing out of the private school systems in CT I was somehow behind. Yah right. I was more advanced than the honor sophmore there and I was only in 8th grade.

OH and then the TASP came to be. Chat a crock of test. Im still after 2 years trying to pass that dumb math portion. We rank still very low in the education system. Our schools are crowded all over the state. And the iliteracy leval is still rising. In 3 years of TMI’s graduating classes 99% will go on to hard schools. 86% will end up at a comunity college because they were under prepared. Now if bush looked at the dropout levals of texas students you would be surprised to see how under prepared we realy are here. A fue years ago from my understanding they were about to close down one of the ACCD campuses because of hifh dropout rate. After much reasearch they came to the understanding it was not that the courses were to hard nor the teachers it was because our highschool graduates are not prepared.

On the leval of enviormental and land conservation. WHAT LAND AND ENVIORMENTAL CONSERVATION? In 3 years san antonio alone has trippled in population. Contractors are buying up land left and right and what is bush doing NOTHING! YOu go to houston or sanantonio or dallas or austen and during the day you can see the thin blanket of smog in the citys. We have no admisions sniffers, we have cars driveing around puffing out harmfull chemicles. we have cars that would never pass in any other state passing their admissions. to get a car inspected here is a joke. Seriously there are many places you can go and hand over the money to get a new tag without your car even being looked at.

Farmers are selling their land cause they are becomeing incorparated by the cities. Cattle owners are haveing a very hard time down here makeing a liveing. Do you know many people are still recovering from that major flod we had 2 years ago to date thispast week.

We are still in the darkages here. I would have much preferd Jim McCain being a republican myself. I know of many prominate cattle owners that mostlikely if you get texas beef they are these people cows. They (9of them) are voteing gore. Why because Bush has done nothing for them. and these people fall in Buses richer catagory. These are nine men who have alot of ties in this state and are well known and if bush found out they were not voteing he would be in serious trouble.

I myself am Catholic, from a New York republican family, middle class… and you want to know who we are voteing for in this race… GORE. Although he is a not so grate canadate. But Bush has done nothing for us here. Do you know in healthcare raitings out of all 50 states we are ranked 50. I rather have a man that has othe things than money on his mind. Oh and this librial catholic family suports abortion… Look at roe VrS wade. If abortion is reversed Nomater what i have a fealing that alot of woman will be going to prison. for all you people who remember the old days think back to how many friends you lost because they could not aford a abortion. Think of that horable coat hanger saying. I know I have oversteped my boundries here but this is how I feal. The day bush gets my vote is the day I rather move to canada.

[This message has been edited by CTT (edited 10-21-2000).]

Well, kids are fine, as long as they belong to people who LIKE them. I happen to run the other way when someone in the family waves their infant at me. (C’mon, hold the BABY! HOLD the BABY! No! The baby’s leaking!) Why pressure people who aren’t into children to produce them? Not a very happy existence for the kid, I should think. Me, I’m saving my money now so I can pay other people’s kids to babysit me when I’m 95.

I don’t think the Democrats are waiting for their handouts (myself included, even though I have found I am WAY MORE LEFT, then a Democrat). I vote a Democratic ticket to support the part of government that helps people out that are not in the position to help themselves. Some of these programs don’t work so well with everyone, but others do. It’s important that they are reviewed constantly to allow for improvements as every plan everywhere evolves and changes.

Is compassion such a hard concept.

Also, I don’t quite understand why childless people don’t want to pay for schools. I don’t have kids, don’t especially like kids, but lets get real - I want them educated and I believe the government needs to be involved and I almost always vote for tax increases for school enhancements.

I love this thread. Pat

<BLOCKQUOTE class=“ip-ubbcode-quote”><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by jumpergal:
Smedley- Do you stand a stallion? Please email me if you do jumpergal@horsemail.com<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

No, no stallion. Unless I count myself, of course!

[This message has been edited by smedley (edited 10-31-2000).]

<BLOCKQUOTE class=“ip-ubbcode-quote”><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by hobson:
Good mornin’, Inverness…
It was not I, but pwynnnorman who argued that we can’t possibly know what these guys are truly like. I heartily agree, though. I’m curious to know what your take is on the wave of anti-intellectualism that’s sweeping US culture, illustrated so well in the Noonan essay. Noonan seems to say: Don’t think so hard, folks! Stop analyzing and critiquing! It’s all about feelings. Noonan is certainly a master at crafting speeches that lull the listener into a sense of happy well-being.

Greetings Hobson,
Sorry Pwynn, for missing the appropriate attribution - thanx for noting it Hobson.

I don’t know that I have a specific “take” on the current anti-intellectual fervor, except to note that it seems pervasive (e.g., kids who do well in school are ridiculed by their peers, etc).

I’m having an especially terrible time coming to terms with the fact that many of the electorate profess to support GWB because he is “nice” and is not a “know it all.” I find it disturbing that the new baseline for being “Presidential” is intellectual mediocrity. DWB’s candidacy is perhaps the most frightening example of the “dumbing-down” of America.

Personally, I WANT a President who knows it all.

I WANT a President who studies the issues in great detail and who has a full command of the facts.

I WANT a President who consults advisors but does not abdicate or delegate his decisionmaking responsibilty.

I WANT a President that can sit through long briefing sessions and retain his focus on the details of an issue.

I WANT a President who will take the time to read the entire briefing paper instead of relying on the Executive Summary.

I WANT a President who can find Moldova on a map, name its principal exports, and tell me something of its history and people.

I WANT a President who understands the concept of math, be it “fuzzy” or otherwise.

This isn’t an election for the President of my mother’s bowling league folks!

[This message has been edited by Inverness (edited 11-03-2000).]

“…freaky Ayn Rand novels with the cult following”
Oh my…I too am starting to understand. May I ask…have YOU read them? No,never mind. I think I already know that answer too.

[This message has been edited by farmgate (edited 11-06-2000).]

Reduction in nuclear missles: Bush

I think you guys would appreciate this. LOL
Today in Newsday, there was a political cartoon that cracked me up.
Wizard of Oz theme.
Bush was the scarecrow saying If I only had a brain.
Gore was the tinman saying If I only had a heart.
Dorothy was saying If I only had ANOTHER choice!!

Thought you’d all like that. It made me laugh.

-heavy, deep, sigh-

OK–I don’t dislike kids–kids are great, I used to work with kids–which is PRECISELY why I know that I would not be a good mother. And, I’m not saying people with kids should be treatred badly, are terrible people, etc–parents are great–face it, we all need 'em–what I’m saying is that it is not fair for me to be treated unfairly because I choose not to have any myself.

I worked with kids for 6 years, believe me, the last thing this country needs is one more screwed up youngster, so I am choosing to do my part to prevent it by not having any myself. If you have it within your capacity to bring a child into this world, and rear it with love into a responsible adulthood, then congratulations, and by all means go for it–I’ll even send you a baby gift (and I give good ones–Classic Pooh all the way).

BUT, I am rather sick of being penalized, chided, and otherwise abused by those like the employers outlined here because I choose NOT to be a mother. I can’t imagine how much worse it would be if I was not ABLE (physically) to be a mother.

So before I’m branded a child hating, socialistic, baby quiche eater, I just wanted to attempt to clarify my point.

I cannot believe how horribly this thread has degenerated. Judging by some of these posts, no wonder American politics has become such a laughable folly. It’s not the politicians - for god’s sake, it’s the electorate.

[This message has been edited by heidi (edited 10-27-2000).]

"Land appraisals vary and they use the highest and best use of the land. "

LOL, only in tax situations where the government get’s money. These poor saps in my neighborhood are getting 1/2 of their front yards taken for a roads project. They used an assessment from ten years ago (properties have about doubled since then…) oh, and do they get the whole value of the house, being as such they’ll never be able to sell w/ 6 lanes of traffic literally 10 feet from their door? Noooooooo, they get a percentage based on the amount of land used. Nice,eh? I wish they would use some of my tax dollars to buy these guys houses.

Amen to that, magnolia! Have you seen the modern windmills - the really tall, three-bladed white things? I just think they’re some of the most beautiful pieces of technology I’ve ever seen.

Just so you know, I"m voting for the Libertarian cadidate for our US senator here in PA - there’s no green candidate, and the Libertarian guy makes a lot of sense, even though some of the policies can be tough on cities.

Just sitting here thinking…

As a member of the infamous 1%, I felt like I should do something special on election eve… to live up the the reputation that all of the libs want to hang on us.

So, here was my little action on behalf of the 1%ers across the nation! I’m flying to FL on Thursday, to work on my house in preparation for the upcoming WEF season. I had planned to leave all 4 of my dogs at home, as I never ship them by air. But I started thinking about how lonely I will be with no pups there for 10 days, and no canines.

Well, a decision had to be made! So this evening, on the spur of the moment, I called my farm manager and told to get ready to drive 2 of my dogs down to FL to arrive shortly after I arrive… and bought him a nice round trip ticket (full fare on such short notice) so that he could get right back up to the farm the next day. Then he can go on about his work until he flies back down to drive them back next week. That works, right?

Now everybody will be happy! I will be happy with the dogs, the dogs will be happy, and my farm manager (who loves to fly about) will be happy!

This is in honor of you libs, and of Algore and Flipper… and it’s the best I could do on such short notice. Next time I’ll charter a plane to boost the economy even more. Have a nice day and don’t forget to vote!

[QUOTE]Originally posted by Inverness:
[B]I have one rule in voting for a President: I want the future leader of the free world to be smarter than me. Let’s face it - Bush is a 40 watt bulb.

Thank you so much for this very astute comment! LOL! This is my main issue with Bush (other than the extremely high rate of executions in Texas and the low ranking of education in the state).

As they say here in Vermont - “why, he’s dumber than a box of rocks”.

[This message has been edited by haligator (edited 10-20-2000).]

Heather, I will lend you my hate-mail umbrella. Or you can stand under mine because I’m with you on the abortion issue.

For many years now, ever since I worked in a crisis center and saw statistics on abortions, ie. the majority of women who have abortions are white, educated (some college) I have had a feeling that the Republicans are anti-abortion in part because it is prospective REPUBLICANS that are being aborted (white) It is no secret that because of the decline in white births, interacial marriage and the influx of of aliens from other countries, whites will become a minority in America within my lifetime. Of course, NO ONE has ever publically said this in anything I’ve heard on tv or read (MY G*d how could they? It would be the most politically incorrect thing they could say), but I still believe it to be a corallary of legalized abortion.

As for the death penalty, mentioned by Pacificsolo and euthanisia (Snowbird, I think?). IMO, not humble, there are people who do not deserve to live after the crimes they have committed. To those who say, ‘but people can change’, I reply, they don’t deserve to have the time needed to change, because of the time stolen from the lives they’ve taken. As for euthanisia, many of us on this board have had to make that decision about a beloved horse or pet. We say, he was suffering…or, I looked into his eyes and he told me it was time. Why will we perform this act of mercy for an animal, and deny death with dignity to a human? (Please don’t bring up God ) Twice recently two public figures have SHOT themselves (talk about messy and traumatic for surviving family members!) rather than continue their medical treatment which is always experimental no matter how often it’s done. They knew they were dying and preferred not to drag it out.

Just as there must be stringint FAIR RULES to enforce the death penaly (currently, a disproportionally high number of black males get zapped vs. whites w/ same crime/history) there must be failsafes to ensure the elderly and ill are not taken before THEY ARE READY and just for the benefit of others (‘If we pull the plug on Aunt Marge Tuesday, we can still make our vacation plans for the following Sunday…’).

Oh, and once again: GORE.

hey HOBSON…i think you might enjoy this article…

Holy mackerel, I go to Fair Hill for the day and look what happens to my reputation! A word to the wise: watch out for those funnel cakes. For the record, I do not currently make minimum wage, although I have certainly been dirt-poor. I do not have children. I was referring to a theoretical person on mimimum wage with kids. I do, however, appreciate the financial management advice… But even though Sannois thinks I’m going to steal her TV at gunpoint, I’ve been able to focus enough to have a healthy IRA in the bank. Thank goodness the moral confusion subsides often enough that I can hold down a job.

Now someone mentioned the bible…I say that Jesus was the first well-known communist: he supported redistribution of wealth (yep, go read it!), hated materialism, did not disguise his contempt for profiteers, and wanted everyone to sacrifice for the good of the less fortunate. Go figure. I now eagerly await a biblical defense of the huge American income gap. If someone can quote chapter and verse where Jesus tells his flocks that the poor really ought to stop bugging the wealthy and get off their lazy butts, then I will vote for Bush. Even thought I am a heathen infidel.

And incidentally, the social democrats are in coalition goverment with the Greens in Germany, and the place is not falling to its knees. Schroeder is proving to be a pretty good prime minister, and the Green party’s Joschka Fischer is making a name for himself as a highly effective, respected and skilled foreign minister. In fact, they still produce some rather nice horses. Some friends of ours there just got a lovely locally-bred 3 year old Fresian. Stunning! Sweden is also proof that left-leaning governments are not ships of doom. The place is thriving, and they also have nice horses. Same goes for Denmark and the Netherlands. Austria’s right-wing government is being shut out by the rest of Europe, because they don’t see a place for that sort of behavior in the EU.

[This message has been edited by hobson (edited 10-28-2000).]

[This message has been edited by hobson (edited 10-28-2000).]

You know, the whole gun thing is super-silly. Congress can’t even prevent automatic weapons from entering the country, being purchased over the internet or created in garages. Who needs to pulverize some poor animal in the woods? And yet even the most basic controls can’t be established over guns that no one really needs (short of collectors, and how many of them are there–and they don’t need the ammunition to enjoy their collections)? I’d happily compromise on the gun issue: hand guns by special permit and rifles without restriction, except heavy fines and jail time if they have modifications (like sawed off barrels or whatever it is that can turn them into automatic weapons). But the power of special interest groups (a topic of discussion that seems to be being ignored here) is too strong to enable even such simple restrictions to gain any headway at all.

At the least, I hope Nader gets the 5% he needs for the Green part to become a recognized party. SOMETHING has to be done to stop the special interest and pork-barrel politics. It also makes me puke to think about the wonderful this’s and that’s to be had here in West Virginia, a state right down there with TEXAS in a lot of social-environmental-educational rankings. Nothing like having someone on an Appropriations Committee to haul in the pork for the special interests, ignoring the incredible states of poverty and ignorance that also in exist.

I have WV students, juniors and seniors, who don’t know how to use computers because they’ve never owned one and their high schools didn’t have any. Meanwhile, Morgantown is always listed way up there in the “Best Small Cities” rankings–again, thanks to dear old whatisname: Byrd. Doesn’t that anger anyone?

THAT’s what is wrong with the system. I don’t think Nader could solve anything, but I think his presence at the party could shake things up a bit. And I’m certain that Gore, given his stances on the environment and other tougher issues in the past (yeah, not now, now that he is actually running for prez–but politics forces one to smother certain leanings–doesn’t mean they aren’t there any more), Gore is more likely that Bush to do SOMETHING about these issues. I haven’t heard Bush say much of anything along these lines and we all know that he’s thoroughly ducked the campaign finance reform issue.

(And please don’t go off about the Buddist temple thing! They ALL do it. The question is, having done it, who is also willing to STOP it? Doing it doesn’t mean a person isn’t willing to do AWAY with it. It’s an evil, and a necessary one, under the current system. So the question is, who WITHIN the system is more likely to try to CHANGE that system? Gore or Bush? Hands down: it’s Gore.)

[This message has been edited by pwynnnorman (edited 11-01-2000).]