A long distance PPE is very manageable with a good independent vet. You talk to the vet ahead of time about the plan, and they call you when they reach the point that they have completed the physical exam to determine what radiographs you want done. They can also send the report and images to your local vet for review. The bigger concern to me in your situation would be buying sight unseen and just hoping the horse works for for you, given how much you will invest in the cost of the PPE and shipping.[/QUOTE]
Agreed. With the internet, finding a reputable local vet should not be an issue.
However, I would not buy sight unseen, because I would need to know if the “chemistry” is there in person and the horse fits me. It would be one thing if the horse was easily “fungible” (i.e. a fancy packer priced well, which could be resold quickly). I would worry about investing so much in a PPE, shipping, etc. without trying the horse myself.