Buying from Bowie “kill pen”?

I arranged a private shipper with a loose box stall for mine on the trailer. (Do be careful, shipping scams ABOUND on places like Facebook. Do serious homework, check DOT numbers, etc.) Bowie has a chute and can run loose stock onto a trailer, but if your new guy isn’t handleable I’d also recommend a chute of some sort (could be round pen panels from TSC or similar) to facilitate unloading at your destination.

Edit: Also be aware that some shippers will justifiably consider an O’Dwyer horse a “dirty load” and decline to haul them. I may or may not have gotten lucky with my shipper.

This was one of my $800 PMU foals out of Saskatchewan


Gorgeous. My other horse is a PMU horse. Best horse ever.


Good advice. Thanks.

Definitely. The welfare part is a major consideration. Thanks for the insight!

Out of curiosity who did you use for your shipping?

I used Mandy Seder with Pony Express Transport - Michigan-based.

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Well, I just did a very stupid thing with my eyes wide open. Bought a 14 yr old untrained MFT gelding from the Arkansas Kill Pen. Why? He was SO pretty! I picked him up in person, and the people I dealt with were super sketchy. Will be sending him straight to my trainer after quarantine & we’ll see what we’ve got.



He’s beautiful! I just looked up the Arkansas Kill Pen. Yikes!! Poor horses. There is a big older Standardbred gelding there that is really cool.


1 week update on my guy:

He’s settling in well! He is very definitely not handled and acts (and looks) like he’s had to fight for survival for some time. I am clicker/marker training with him, and he already knows the cue for “food in bucket” very well, and is MUCH more confidently targeting my outstretched hands with his head! I think I’ll be able to introduce a halter soon. :grin: Very happy with the guy, as gnarly as he looks right now, I still think he’ll turn out well. Also, I need a name!!! Any ideas, COTHians? Something hopeful and uplifting?


Riley: as in the living the life of riley


He’s a beaut! Handsome fella, I hope you two are very happy together :heart_eyes:

I like it… It’s on the list!

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Mulligan. He got a do-over on his life!


I love this one!


He’s super cute and love the Mulligan name suggestion.

Already looks better.


He is JUST SO cute. I think Mulligan is awesome

Just have to post a late-night update because my last little clicker-training session just a bit ago has left me bubbly: I got a halter on him! Not too shabby to go from literally untouchable just 8 days ago… I think Mulligan might be a winner :trophy:


I like the fact that his eyes seem less bugged out. He may always be a looky and sensitive horse but if you continue to work steadily with him, you may overcome a lot of the previous trauma.


He kind of looks like a saddlebred, he may just have naturally bugged out eyes, lol.