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CA Clique Redux

Oh, great, coreene! I’ll probably step in the Show Sheen and slip on my Tailored Sportsman-cloaked arse!

I shall log an update later on how my schooling ride went. It’ll be the first ride in the former koi pond.

I am soooo not looking forward to tomorrow!

So, the clique has a Cinco de Mayo saturday, plus Derby Day all on one weekend?? Wahooo, rusty hit that blender. Coreene, set out more chairs we’re coming over. Merry, since you have this feeling, well, should we put up the ranch on Jamican Rum? elizabeth, bring David. You can introduce him to your, ahem, group other half. dublin is probably at the Derby. Suave, come on, we’re headed for a party. Beezer, do come. We can’t have you not be there. weeble, it’s Cinco de Mayo…You know how you love a good party!! viney shake off that humidity come try our lovely dry climate. Mo, chef, Lurker, and yes, even our canadian other half heidi let’s have a weekend party!!!

Christina, you’ll love it there. It is gorgeous, the weather is nice, and you can go to the beach after you show! It was great for the jumpers because the warmup area is practically endless…just a giant field of grass. Except, uh, the grass hurts though when you fall on it…but the nurses at the hospital near there are real nice…can you tell I didn’t exactly have a successful show there? But it is really nice, and I want to go back…that is, if they’ll let me back!

That is very, sad. And awful for Ronnie to be there when the accident occured. I shall jingle my curb chain in her memory.

On a much lighter subject… What do you get when you cross a EWE with a JRT?

A wolf in sheeps clothing!!

That Beezer opted OUT of last weekend’s jumper show with the great spotted beastie because she wanted to return to a ring with a rail THIS weekend. So now what do those blankety-blank weather people go and do?? Call for rain this weekend!! GRRRRRRR …

Which will put Beezer and the lovely Spot precisely back on a collison course (so to speak! ) with the NEXT Galway Downs show and its fenceless jumper ring. Yet again Beezer will be faced with the prospects of a tour of the Temecula wine country on horseback. There can be no wimping THIS time. Must get to a show!

Beezer thinks she knows what’s happened to Elizabeth. She said on the Oscar thread that she had to move all her computers and wasn’t sure she’d remember how to plug all the plugs back in. It appears she was right.

That is great news Tux!!! Suave, I always wear my polo shirts, but the one time I met Chef, I was actually wearing a huntcoat! I was supposed to ride in a classic later in the day, but as usual, I scratched. One of these days I may finally do a classic.

Good luck at the show Beezer…let us know how it goes!

I guess that means that I can talk virtually live via a pop up message screen. It’s a free download. Any of the CA Clique interested??

Merry: Badmitton sounds fine but right after squash

I’m a WASP too, so swat me if I sting! A blonde, blue eyed girl born and raised in Philly area (near to Devon) who now resides in RED NECK country.

I’m glad MOESHA did say he was sorry

Now does that make me racist? I think not!!

Hey Rusty I’m there with you! My NT is remaking my riding style (I have no leg, seat and hands) and today I trotted and trotted in the semi 2 point for hours (or so it seemed)

They kept asking me if I was tired and all I could answer was that I was old

Tonight I bubble bath I think and then to sleep knowing that tomorrow early, I will get up and do it again

NancyL: We shall have to mull over the initials saga… I just kept spinning these various initials of various trainers who split with their wives for students! sigh There are so many! Why would any woman marry a horse trainer??? I know there are successful marriages, but the temptation is just so great to cheat or attempt to improve on your business by marrying $. We have a local wing-ding dressage trainer with his own farm. His PREGNANT wife found out he was cheating with his very young (although legal) student. Didn’t hurt that her dad was the major owner of a very famous, huge Las Vegas casino, and had several imported warmblood stallions in the barn. Well, preggers wife left and started her own small dressage barn near us. Former hubby shacked up with girlfriend. That lasted a few years. Now the stallions are gone, the girlfriend is gone, the ex-wife is gone… (That’s the sound of me laughing about how Fate is indeed fickle!)

I kind of like the idea of Heidi sending her son down here to graze on the strawberry fields. We could take him under our wing and introduce him to Boogie Boarding, nachos and cheese sauce, and sign him in free to Disneyland. He could be our own little adopted Cal Clique son!

AAJumper: I’m not sure you should take that job! Uck! Being told to pretty much just expect OT? Staying until the work just gets done, whenever that is? How rude of them! You’ve got horses to ride!

Just because I know you’re dying for the answer, it’s: Derek Jacoby!

You know, no matter how many times I see Hamlet, I keep thinking, “Maybe the ending will be different this time and Hamlet won’t die…”

Oops, gotta catch tonight’s episode of Everybody Loves Raymond…

Kevin Branaugh???

Possibly a senior moment brought on by the previous posts???

Is that possible today?

I know I spent $100 for lunch at a three star restaurant in France twenty years ago. I could see how dinner and inflation could easily hike the cost up 5X.

Law Firm Recruiting mores are just plain weird.

However, I kinda like the idea of haunting showgrounds and stables. Some ratty guy, who’s mean to his horses, rides in a grand prix, and geez, what happened? His horse didn’t seem to rub the rail, but it slipped from the cups! Or, what on earth did that horse see that made it put on the brakes and slide to a stop, sending doofus man into the liverpool?

It’s the ghost of Merry past!

Sometimes sticks in the corner, blowing his changes away. He kicks out a leg and pulls on the reins, then snorts, “What a bad boy am I!”

coreene, you didn’t make a fool of yourself!! Glad Wilem is doing better! I hate colic, it just plain scares me. With all the ups & downs we’ve had in the weather, no wonder.

Did you at least get a chance to watch the Derby? It was very incredible. Even with Baffert not winning, you had to love it. Hate when there’s a problem, but it was solved, Monarchos won! The Invisible Ink story was very touching. Took an old time vet coming up with an old remedy to bring him back from death’s door. Very cool!!

Beezer, is that why I keep trying to figure out where Merry and Hambola are showing, so I can come watch, and I keep getting DENIED the crucial information?

Merry, just wear sunglasses and show under an assumed name!

I’m working on it. However, I gots myself a tight deadline so it’ll be uptotheminute. So if I have to write off the top of me head… maybe I’ll get my own fan mail??? A little “thank you” card?

I’ll place my order! I like the traditional yellow though!

Melissa…Ah melissa is the “Dead thread alive again?” Merry do we dare? As I posted before I shall again, to my knowledge, she rode High Barbaree, Buenos Aires, and a horse (a biggie) she called “Lumpy”. She claimed she qualified for the World Cup (more than once) but never made it because her horses were always sold before then. Hummmmm?? And yes, Gene Lewis was her trainer as well as Jimmy Khron (sp?) and Jimmy Williams and she say’s Otis Brown Jr. (Brownie) is a good friend of hers. Mr. Mo found Gene Lewis’s present address and phone # for her. She called him and said he would come out for a clinic. Never happened, never heard another word about it.

JustALurker, does this sound like the Melissa you remember?

Isn’t this fun??

I’m not sure who took her to Indio in the early day’s. I know she rode with Jimmy Williams but that was much later I’m sure. (Well, she said she did. That whole Flintridge thing???) Who knows?