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CA Clique Redux

Hmmm Hmmm Hmmm Suave Reno Waits patiently for CA clique to show up.

Ok AA Jumper LAEC Show April 8th…sounds good.

I’m in for the Oaks, Del Mar, Ride America so far…hopefully to graduate from the 2’6" to 2’9" classes

Hey youse guys find me here

“What would you say is your biggest fault?” Rather than answer with “sometime I don’t ride a bending line quite right” or “I probably should use a little more leg at the oxer”. my stock answer is “I can be a workaholic” Now I try to say this with a straight face and make sure you say “workaholic” as oppossed to “jumpaholic”

I know you’ll do well today. I’m jingling two curb chains

I have a 3rd interview with this company tomorrow. I think they want to hire me but they don’t know exactly where I would fit in. So they are having me talk to everybody under the sun. Should I tell them my goal in life is similar to AA’s? I like that…win lotto. buy several fancy horses and hang around horse shows. Hmmmm works for me

AA loved the story. I hope you get what you want with the job interviews.

Elliot gets turn out everyday, so those Wugs get mighty dirty.
He has three of those, so I can alternate them, now that summer is approaching I have to find some sheets I guess.
The new stable takes off the turn out rugs and puts on the stall ones everyday.
I love it!!:slight_smile:
The olde stable kept the same rugs on 24/7.
This horse stuff is killing my Nordstroms budget!!!

… was that THE QHSM in the article you recently wrote on organizing your tack room?

Well thank god for that!

With cheese? Hot or mild sauce? With or sans onions?

My trainer itemizes all the show expenses…but she tries to keep costs low. For example, one of our riders has a camper (which used to be owned by our trainer) and my trainer stays in her camper with her whenever possible. There are no food/entertainment expenses, and she doesn’t have an entourage. The only “luxury” item we paid for at Indio was the golf cart, which we all used frequently.

OMG…that reminds me of a funny golf cart story. It was week 2 of Indio, and I arrived at the crack of dawn to meet up with my trainer to walk the schooling jumper course. So we jump in the golfcart, and off we go. We park near the entrance to the arena area (along the “main drag”), walk the course, and then we go to get breakfast and ice. As we come back to where we parked the golf cart, I start towards the nearest cart, and my trainer tells me that no, that isn’t our cart because ours had a seat in the back.

So now we are perplexed and figure someone has mistakenly taken our golf cart and left theirs. So we decide to go watch the first few rounds of the schooling jumpers since we see Beth Underhill is warming up Altair (one of my trainer’s fave horses). We watch a few rounds, and keep glancing at the “other” golf cart, which hasn’t moved. We are now contemplating taking that golf cart, and letting the rental people deal with the mix-up. In the meantime, my trainer decides to call her hubby and complains to him about this golf cart dilemma. Now our bag of ice is starting to melt.

All of a sudden, a light pops on in my head. “Ummmm…don’t those back seats in the cart fold down??? And, uh, could the seat have been folded down by the grooms, and we didn’t notice???” My trainer and I exchange an “oh my god we are NOT that lame” look, as we rapidly walk towards the golf cart that is amazingly parked in the same spot we parked, and hasn’t moved. As we approach the cart, we are in near hysterical laughter as we see the tag on the cart with my trainer’s name. I hadn’t laughed that hard in a long time…and haven’t laughed that much again until yesterday, when my boss who I hate stepped in the owner of our company’s dog’s poop. But I digress. And yes, my trainer and I are both blonde.

Bumpkin – do you mean Ride? I think they even have a so-cal version. I can pick one up and send it to whomever would like one.

Merry – have you tried agdirect.com ?

The winds have died down up here (the building is no longer creaking in the wind), but the temp has risen – 87 yesterday.

Merry, what haven’t you done? Awe-inspiring career going on!

Now just think, if dublin and AAJumper would’ve been wearing their ahem, missing in action COTH caps, they would’ve given each other a “Halloo!”

“What? You mean you wouldn’t wear your COTH cap on a romantic weekend with hubby?”

Suave, I agree about poor Brendan. Alas, the boy toy aura has worn off. sigh What about that scene where the Mujabib (or whatever the swarthy army called themselves) were prepared to sacrifice themselves, to die with honor on horseback, as the evil forces descended upon them? I was just about to stand up in the theatre and yell, “No way!”

You know, first they have Mr. Spock die in Star Trek II. To have Swarthy Arab Man die in The Mummy was just going to be too much. Fortunately, he made it to the end. And Merry went home from the cinema a happy woman.

I knew we had some sort of connection and there it is…this year will be 46 for me too, however, I too, have not aged beyond the 20’s. (and if I’m lucky I never will, even if some of those '70’s fashions might cause others to laugh and point come my fabulous 80’s!)

But I digress…Merry is the once and future queen, we all know that. I don’t recall hard facts pushing Heidi to the title, she just moved in and grabbed the tiara demanding ladies in waiting.

You know what they say, Heidi…“if wishes were horses…”

Thanks Maggie I will wear it proudly

AAJumper: Your name is fine on the cap just put your classes on the little circular tag pinned to your Hunt Coat. That works for me

Happy Mother’s Day all

Oh Suave, that is soooo like your old trainer, LOL! I think it’s just hysterical!

I vote for b): The inference to the casual website visitor is that John French is one of her best buds. A phone call to her is like from your lips to John French’s ears.

Re: the Equidome, no the Hambolarama has yet to make an appearance there. Remember, I’m too busy wasting my $ at the county level in the baby greens to waste it at an AHSA show. It’s much cheaper to pull up a four yr. old at a San Diego County show than an AHSA show, LOL! Maybe next year, eh? Although I do appear to have solid lead changes on course… at least at home and in lessons now.

Taryn, that photo of Dave is so gorgeous that I could just eat him up like a big cookie. I saw Karen riding off on Saturday in your western saddle and her tall boots - how did it go? Then I could never find you at the barn.

Beezer, Dave moves like a little ballerina and I think he really should be a Very Small Hunter. He is darling. He could be a Reining Dressage Trail Very Small Hunter.

I just popped into the wrong page and noticed I said I was launching into the research project on MCJ for Moo instead of for MO. Sheesh! What a goofus error. I can only try to justify it by saying we once had a marvelous horse named Moo at the barn.

HA Merry. You just need more caffeine to get those engines revved Poor spotty the wonder WB. Spooked, and then spoooked again. She sounds like a really nice horse to come back and be good. There you go, beatin up on ole Hammie again, hes just a big pre-teenage kid. They just can’t think for longer than 5 minutes on one subject.

elizabeth, hope you don’t mind but your interview rhetoric is primo!!!Just had to print it all out. One never knows when this might come in handy.

Uh oh A/A, stress we don’t like stress. The #1 killer of female workers in the US of A. Seriously.

Suave, we have curbs jingling and jangling for your job, plus NO RAIN! Should we form a circle and do our rain dance clique? Congrats on your filly selling. We knew this would happen!!

Elizabeth, did I miss a post where you told us about David’s current profession? I remember you saying he had been through a failed business but was now in a very successful business. Curious minds (or at least one) want to know – but, if it’s none of my business, either tell me that or just ignore me.

Cheers, Maggi

The Twilight years of the Calif. clique.Merry, bird thin, dressed impecably, Beezer, terristas in tow, jeans, straw hat, manure hangin precariously, arguing still about piling jumps in the center of the ring. Coreene, blouse buttoned ascew, calling for Antonio. Suave finally has taken up golf cart showing, and loves it! rusty, with her blender, clicking on it furtively. A/A still reading the want ads, it’s okay dear, you’re retired. Heidi, talking on the phone to sumo toddler, who now stands 6’2", weighs in at 340 and owns a lovely organic grocery. weeble babbling to herself about going to a show at Pebble. Mo chatting it up with someone named Dorothy and Toto? dublin has reorganized the entire home several times so far. elizabeth jumping out of a limo, yelling, ladies I have all the wills signed but yours, as she points a boney finger at wty. “Moi?” Ah, the Golden years…

The Scientology Law Firm? No, Merry, that’s not it. And weeble, I’ll see if I can get you a position in the summer program.

The summer program goes like this: Every summer, we get a bunch of 2nd year law students to work for us (before their 3rd and final law school year). The premise is that if we like them and they like us, we will make them an offer to come back to work for us after they graduate. The summer program is CRITICAL b/c it is the main way we get students to work for us after graduation.

Thus, part of the program consists of “woo-ing” them . . . with very (VERY) fancy dinners, lunches, weekend jaunts, etc., etc. In NYC last year, I would regularly take groups of 4 or 5 summer associates out for $600 and $700 meals and trips to the theater. And the firm catered a cocktail party for about 15 at my apartment (my apartment overlooked the Statue of Liberty) to show the students how a typical lawyer lives - candles, boatloads of wine, etc., etc. That was fun-fun!

[I] When I gave a presentation about this year’s summer associate program to my colleagues at the firm last week at our attorney breakfast meeting, everyone joked that the summer associate program was likely to have a bizarre horsie-bent to it this year. They expected that every weekend would consist of some trail-riding extravaganza.

Hmmmmm. . . had I thought I could get away with it, on the firm’s dollar. . . . <<elizabeth contemplates a trail-riding weekend at Rancho Merry. . . .>> [/I]

[This message was edited by elizabeth on Apr. 28, 2001 at 05:59 PM.]

what a touching story about Beezer the horse…

Sorry I attributed the Linda Hough story to Merry, my bad!