CA Clique Redux

Best of luck tomorrow!

Could you wear a lucky curb chain as a bracelet and convince them it’s a chic new accessory? Just a thought.

That is so funny AA.
I have come home to those long rambling tape messages from friends doing 3 way calls and have done a few myself.
They can be a bit tricky, haha
But your friends is the best one I have heard

Merry when you say Brother In Law, do you mean Mr. Beezer?

How true!!

Dublin, Henry V, oh, one of my fav’s too!! Even with all the gore! Kenneth is such the cutie.

Merry, I’m sure your friend is probably correct on that one, though I’m not one to verify. I was born and raised in PA. (not too far from Devon). Moved out here to the “Meat and Potato’s” part of the country 5 years ago, no-thanks to Mr. Mo! So, those darn tornados scare me outta my skin. The sky get’s real creepy. We had hail the size of baseballs. Pretty scary! We’re building an addition on to our house and I’m telling the builder to put one of those tornado shelters in!

Hope you’re feeling better Dublin. My older one came home this morning from school with a doozie. I found some Wolfgang Puck Cream of Chix which seemed to work wonders, as she is now at softball practice (No, no Mom it’s okay, I have a few more days to live)…So I hope you bounce back soon.

AA Jumper I hope we can meet at the Oaks. It would be terrific to connect a name with a face.

Correen: I’ll call you this week!

Merry: I like the Iron Rider challenge. Wouldn’t there be a golf cart class? Guess who would win

[This message was edited by SuaveReno on Apr. 27, 2001 at 11:27 PM.]

DMJ, Willem said to tell you he only eats bean burritos.

Rusty is here with the blenders all warmed up what flavor this time ? Original, Strawberry, or frosty Gatorade?

I take one day off to interview for a new barn and every one runs out of Margatritas. I hope the people that have the barn want me as much as you guys want me to make Margaritas.
Every one please think positive thoughts that I get this barn. Thnks alot. I will let you know if I get it.

I’ll match your heat and humidity and raise you dust and Santa Ana winds and smog.

Nothing like mucking and riding until you can smell yourself! Put on that sunscreen, don the visor, and voila, you’re a cookin’ Californian! Ah, the pleasures of a sunburned nose, mooshed sweaty hair and leathery skin… but no, God, I’m not complaining! At least it’s not raining!

Ooooh, elizabeth, I can just imagine the pent-up tension that poor David was mastering until the final credits of Survivor. Gee, and to think on most of my dates I diffused the whole situation by just stamping my feet and saying, “Okay, darnit, just kiss me and let’s get the formality over with so we can get on with the rest of the date.”

Thanks for the tips on horse for sale websites. That really talented 12 yr. old girl in our trainer’s barn is still looking for an older, seasoned eq horse/hunter with some miles. A few soundness problems are even okay. Gee, you’d think there’d be something in California that’d fit the bill for $15 grand, wouldn’t ya’?

Eeewww! Waking up next to Bill Gates? Blech-pooey!

Sorry, but I do have a price, and he could afford me.

When I taught first grade I had a color photo of Don Johnson from Miami Vice taped to the inside of my desk drawer. Whenever I needed inspiration, or a break from the little monsters, I’d just amble back to my desk, pull out that drawer and sigh it was pink flamingos and margaritas and Donnie boy!

[This message was edited by Merry on Mar. 29, 2001 at 11:17 AM.]

Welcome back! Did you get into Mendocino at all?

Oh please, let the Canadians crown their Queen Heidi. They worked so hard to keep their measly little “Canter” thread going (rather humorous that it disappeared, eh?). Let The Snow Queen bask in her fleeting glory. Instead, we can be like the rebellious riff raff of olden times, grumbling beneath the surface of our existence until just the right moment when we pounce upon the walls of the castle! They can’t guillotine all of us!

Like the California surf, we shall rise again!

I don’t know for sure Mo, as to when they will pick up the horses at Devon. If you are interested will give you their number and you can talk to them.

Ahhhh Merry, we love those group lessons. They are incredibly entertaining. Especially when one’s horse just disrupts till all the greenies are beside themselves. Then promptly acts as if nothing could disturb her. But since everyone understands and laughs, it is a fun time.

Happy Mother’s Day to All!! We’re mothers to our beloved critters, large & small

She thinks she is Alexandra Ledermann and by running John’s photo thinks it will elevate her (in her dreams!).

Suave, sorry to hear about all your extra time, but then again now we can have lunch!

Oh, Taryn, he is too cute! Doesn’t he want to come be a hunter at the ranchito??

And Triple Crown, of course you can be a California Cliquester! Why, residency isn’t even required. It just takes a certain “state of mind” to qualify.

As always Merry, you are the Diva of design. I bow to you!!! Turned out, perfect fit, leg beautiful, loaned standards, now who should be wearing that tiara?? Doubt there’s any question here. We wait your orders, my liege.

Ummm, uhhhh 11:41 am isn’t a reasonable hour my liege, except for you royal types. The rest of us working stiffs are up before sunrise.

Now aren’t you forgetting the Side Saddle Golf Cart division? One must know how to straddle the cart aside. Of course wearing proper hunting attire is a must!

LOL Merry…you don’t think they’d appreciate the True Hollywood Story - AAJumper’s Life as an Engineer in the Dog Poo Hell??? No bonus points for being honest?

How about this: “I see myself winning the lottery, buying several fancy horses, and hanging out at horses shows…” What do ya think??? Hmmm…I better stick with Elizabeth’s suggestion…it sounds pretty good!

Uh oh…I hear the faint sound of a canine footsteps. Wait…no Whitney, not there…hold it, hold it!!! AAAAAHHHHHHHHHH!!!