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CactusKate memorial ad - June 7th?

I just got my June 7th Chronicle - is this the one with the CactusKate ad? I couldn’t find it… anyone care to enlighten me?


Either Erin or I will scan in the actual ad and post it.

If it looks half as great as it did off press y’all will be very pleased

When you see it be sure to give your thanks to Erin for her FABULOUS editing, Merry for her inspiring copy and Heidi for sending us those exotic “cheques” from you canucks…

– Clothes make the man. Naked people have little or no influence on society.

Eagerly awaiting this week’s issue


oh can’t wait to see it! I hope she likes it!

“If at first you don’t succeed, try, try again. Then give up. No use being a damned fool about it” -W.C. Fields

I just got my June 7th Chronicle - is this the one with the CactusKate ad? I couldn’t find it… anyone care to enlighten me?


Erin said it would be in the “Dressage issue” which comes out two weeks from June 7.

– * > hoopoe
The ancient Greeks did not write obituaries. They only wanted to know if you had a passion.

Actually, I believe it got moved a week earlier, and will be in THIS Friday’s issue! (June 14)

Great! There is also written Obit in the “In the Country” section of the May 31 issue, which I got today.

I am looking forward to seeing the inspiring pictures and reading the words.

It will be a keeper.

– * > hoopoe
The ancient Greeks did not write obituaries. They only wanted to know if you had a passion.

And Erin is going to post the whole enchilada, right?

I read recipes the same way I read science fiction. I get to the end and think to myself, “Yeah, right. That just ain’t gonna happen.”