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Calcium Chloride vs Magnesium Chloride for Dust Control

Looking for advice on what to buy, where to buy and how much to buy for dust control in a 80x160 indoor arena in Maryland. I read that the chemicals can be applied dry or dissolved in water — which works best? TIA!

We’ve always used Mag Cloride dry. With new footing, we used a whole pallet.

magnesium chloride is considered to be safer for vegetation, plants, people, and pets


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Purchased mag chloride — thanks!

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I applied mine straight from the bag and have done so using a seed spreader (which required washing the tractor and seeder afterwards), using a garden push spreader, and also by spreading by hand using a one quart cup.

For amount I’d say easily 30 bags? I started with 15 and let that soak in and then came back with another of the same amount.

Love how the product helps you create a surface that has give, push, and absolutely no dust.

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