While I do not believe all that twaddle, I am concerned about the amount of breeding that is being asked of these horses; especially the young ones who are still in their 1st or 2nd year of covering mares.
Breeding puts a lot of stress on the stallion’s joints; particularly the hocks and the cervical spine. These horses are probably not evaluated (x-rays, MRI, even just hock flexion) before committing to double hemisphere seasons since the announcement of shuttling is made long in advance of the end of our season.
In the old days of 40 mares a year, of course, this was not an issue. But covering over 300 mares? Some of them several times, so we are talking 400+ times of the stallion holding himself up on his hind end while contorting his neck to the side.
Nature never intended stallions to put such stress on their bodies, especially young horses. And especially on a breed whose bones structure has become lighter and lighter.