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Calling Jen the Saddle Geek

I just came across Jen the Saddle Geek’s website. I’ve been watching her videos all evening and have really enjoyed them!
I would really like to book a consultation with her but it says she’s still is on hiatus. Does anyone know what happened to her and if she will be coming back? It really sounds like she knows her stuff and she has a sense of humor. I think it would be a loss if she didn’t come back! Any ideas? Saddle shopping is stressful. I like how broad AND detailed Jen’s knowledge is about so many different saddle brands. If she’s not coming back, did she train anyone else to do what she does? Any suggestions welcome. I hate saddle shopping!

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Where are you located?

right now, Canada.

I actually spoke with Jen recently and she said that, while it crosses her mind frequently to get back into the saddle business, she’d have to spend quite a lot of time studying and updating herself on what has changed in the market before she could do so. So if she does come back it won’t be soon. She definitely is unique, as was the scope of the service she offered.