can not change password ... using temporary password

Continued trouble
signing in with temporary password
unable to change password … get invalid response or some other nonsense … still
thank you for any help or ideas
yes have contacted mod 1. she knows and is trying to help … temp password

  • am I the only one ?

I’ve had this happened where I had to change my password and use that new one to login. Then, when I tried to log onto a different device with the new password, it woudn’t work. I tried the old password and that worked. Weird. Now I’m afraid to ever sign out on my computer because who knows what will happen.

One other thing, for a long time now, even before this last software update, I’ve had problems if I don’t check the box at the sign-in section which asks if you want to stay logged in.

You’re not the only one.

I was finally able to use the temporary password to get in on my phone and change my password but I can’t do anything on my iPad or Mac.

Reading the forums and posting on my phone is frustrating and very difficult.

Mod 1 was very helpful and kind but there’s only so much she can do. It must be frustrating for her as well.

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I didn’t stay logged in but my username and password were saved and I just tapped on log in each time. After this update it started messing up and I had to retry a few times after each attempt and would eventually get in. Then it stopped working and I couldn’t tap or click on anything.

When I tap or click on log in it says, “logging in” but there is no little spinny wheel or action. When I tap on the log in at the top of the page it does nothing. I can read the forums on my iPad and Mac that don’t require logging in, but many of the features are not working. If I tap on “go to top” it takes me back to the original forums page, tapping on “last post” doesn’t work and blank boxes are showing up for any smilies in posts.

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well, for me it just the opposite… I have Not Checked the remember me when I log in… can log out and return and automatically be logged in

which makes no sense since others can not even log in.