Can the Reference Forum have Topical Sub Forums?

I know we have a search function, but sometimes it’s hard to get just the thread you are looking for, if it wasn’t titled correctly. Which made me wonder, what about having sub forums, so that posts can be easy found? Thoughts?

Hi there ~

The reference forum honestly hasn’t been really actively used in recent years for new threads. We created the FAQ threads at the top of each forum to give a more user-managed reference section to stow away useful threads without actually moving them around, though we realize it’s not the most elegant solution!

Finding a way to improve the search feature is something that remains on our “list” as well.

There’s also the option of subscribing to threads that you find useful, even without notifications of updates, so you can always check for them in your list of subscribed threads, or bookmarking them through your web browser – though these options both require that you know you’ll want to find them again in the future.

To help locate a thread that our search feature is having trouble pulling up, you can also try using an advanced Google search, where you search just our site using the almighty power of the Googlez. :slight_smile: Here’s an online tutorial of how to use their advanced search features.

Hope that helps a little!
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