Can we place want ads?

Is there a place on here where I can place a want ad? I am looking for a certain saddle either used or new and I am not looking for a giveaway. Is there a place (for free) I can post the info incase anyone knows of one for sale? Thanks for the help! :winkgrin:

Sorry, there aren’t any free non-giveaway classified ads on the BB :no: You could probably put a wanted add in the classifieds BB but there’s a fee ($10 I think).

There may be other places to post it on the web… google “NJ free horse classifieds” or something. Or the “want it” listings on EBay. Also check EBay itself, and used regularly. Call the NJ and CT Bevals stores as well. Good luck :slight_smile:

Another one to try is:

They have free want ads

I second the Bit and Barter Board for free ads!

Lauren! is correct, it’s $10. Info is available in the classifieds forum FAQ:

Another one to try is:

They have free want ads[/QUOTE]

I just checked that site out because you mentioned it, and it’s AMAZING!
Thank you!!! :smiley: