Canada Loses Olympic Jumping Spot…c-jumping-spot

Race related because Nicole Walker whose drug DQ at the Pan American Games cost the Canadian team their Olympic berth is Belinda Stronach’s daughter.

Oh, the irony.

Is it bad that I’m LOL at this? It is, isn’t it… :lol:
oh well… LMFAO


No, it’s not.:lol: It is laughable. Any FEI athlete that can read, knows the WADA rules.
No cocaine allowed . No coca leaf tea either, since cocaine is derived from the leaf. Stupid and/or naive may get you off in some areas in life. Not in this one.

Someone either can’t be bothered to read the rules, or they are so ignorant that they ingested “coca tea” in Peru without having a clue what it contains.:cool: I really doubt that. I tend to believe that someone took the chance that they wouldn’t be tested. In either instance, you are not going to the Olympics.

Read up on the rules before you ride for your country.

I’m so sorry for the Canadian riders who’s hard work has been negated by this one careless “team mate”. :no:

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Eric Lamaze had a history of cocaine positives that affected his career over the years as well. Seems to be a history with the Canadian team, then again maybe not just them.

Its sad but one would think when travelling to compete to BE IN THE OLYMPICS that those riding wouldn’t be so careless.

What surprises me is the amount of doping occurring on the Russian teams and yet they are still permitted to compete. Canada has one rider test positive and the entire team has to suffer.

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Eric Lamaze’s problems were a long, long time ago. He is struggling with brain cancer now. Kind of unnecessary to drag up the past don’t you think?.

Most Russian athletes are not competing, having been banned by WADA and none are competing under the Russian flag. Their Equestrians have not had a history of doping.


I noticed you left out the part where he grew up with drug addict parents, turned his life around came clean and won Olympic Gold with Hickstead not to mention won how many GPs in his lifetime?

Seriously the Lamaze bashing that comes up in these threads is gross. The man mae mistakes, admitted them, and changed his life. We should all wish to be so strong.

Has nothing to do with being Canadian, what an awful comment.


:rolleyes:Relax. I admire Eric Lamaze. I could care less what type of home he grew up in or honestly what his history is. He is battling for his life right now and still at the top of his game. The man is a legend and a hero in my eyes.

He has a history with cocaine positives. truth. Same as this gem on his team who made a pretty big mistake herself which has now cost her team their chance in the Olympics. But do ya only care that its a mistake and they admitted to them when it concerns Eric or does Nicole Walker get the same free pass for what kind of heartache she has caused her entire team this year

If I was in their shoes I would have a hard time forgiving Nicole for this. She failed at being responsible for her actions as a member of the Canadian team

oh yea… and the irony of her being b Stronach’s daughter is just… I cant even :lol::lol:

No, I agree she was careless in drinking a tea in a foreign country known to have traces of cocaine or what not. Rules are rules with the FEI.

I was planning on doing an FEI last year and stopped using medication 8 months prior because I wanted to be sure I was clean if tested. I support anti doping rules.

I just don’t think Erics past has anything to do with this, and I do think it matters what he over came to get there, it is a reason he is so strong today.

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snaffle - yet again you are presenting alternative facts… seriously? Kindly present a factual list of all the members of past and present Canadian teams who have tested positive for cocaine. Ian Millar would be a good place to start. There must be a lot of them in order to make “a history”. OTOH, Eric’s history is a factor in what happened to him. Not sure why or how you can be so very dismissive of that when you state that you “admire” him.

When Eric was in trouble for drug issues many years ago, Ron Southern of Spruce Meadows said in front of a packed crowd (I was there working) at the September international tournament that year that he would make sure that Eric Lamaze never set foot on SM property again. It was a rude, dismissive and insensitive thing to proclaim - and there was only a rather stunned polite smattering of applause that quickly died away.

Eric did come back to Spruce Meadows … and won. To thunderous applause. After hard work, grit and determination - NOT a “free pass”. Unbelievable.


None of the Russian teams that have been “doping” are competing. Did you not read that WADA has banned the Russian federation from participating under their flag? That certain only individuals will be allowed to compete?

I also believe you should do some research before you accuse the Canadian team of having a “history” of doping.