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Canadian Horse Expo, October 13, Harwinton, CT

Showcases Rare Breed and Why They Are Your Next Perfect Horse!

The Canadian Horse Expo will be held October 13, 2018 (rain date 10/14) from 10:00 am to 4:00 pm at the Harwinton Fairground, 80 Locust Road, Harwinton, CT 06791. The day will consist of under saddle/harness demonstrations, equine-related seminars, presentations about the breed and a Breeder’s Barn featuring farms, horses for sale and stallions standing at stud from Canada and the US. There will also be vendors and food onsite. Entry is $5 for those 14 and over. For children under 14, there is a voluntary donation. For more information or to check on event updates, see our Facebook page: www.facebook.com/canadianhorseexpo

The little known Canadian Horse is the oldest distinct breed in N. America and is listed as critically endangered by both the Livestock Conservancy and the Equus Survival Trust. This horse was bred for versatility, athleticism, stamina and soundness. And they are beautiful! Often referred to as “the affordable Warmblood” (Canadians are warmblood eligible) or “the reasonably priced Friesian,” this breed has the looks and the power to perform at the highest levels of competition while still being “in your pocket” enough to be the family horse. Today, they are used for everything from dressage, eventing, working equitation and foxhunting to competitive trail riding, barrels/roping, driving – even Civil War re-enactment and ski joering!

The Canadian has a colorful history, starting at the stables of King Louis XIV through the founding of Canada to helping win the American Civil War. They have almost gone extinct twice in their 350+ year history and today the population hovers around 6500. The eighteenth century Canadian historian Etienne Faillon described the breed as “robust, hocks of steel, thick mane flowing in the wind, bright and lively eyes, pricking sensitive ears… going along day or night with the same courage, wide awake beneath its harness, spirited, good, gentle, affectionate, following his road with the finest instinct to come surely to his own stable.”

Today, the Livestock Conservancy (the US association for endangered livestock breeds) describes them as “solid and well-muscled, with a well-arched neck set high on a long, sloping shoulder. The overall impression is one of a round, sturdy and well-balanced horse [that is] energetic without being nervous.”

For more information on the history and breed standards, see https://tinyurl.com/Livestock-Conservancy or The Canadian Horse Breeders Association: www.lechevalcanadien.ca

The Expo is actively seeking vendors, sponsors, volunteers and participants. Contacts are:

  • Vendors/Sponsors/Advertising: Susan Neal, [EMAIL="wiccawayfarm@aol.com"]wiccawayfarm@aol.com[/EMAIL], (607) 279-0403
  • Media Inquiries/General Show Management and Questions: Margo Killoran, [EMAIL="threefoldfarm@comcast.net"]threefoldfarm@comcast.net[/EMAIL], 978-697-7910
  • Show Participant Registration: Lise Krieger: [EMAIL="lisekrieger@comcast.net"]lisekrieger@comcast.net[/EMAIL], (203) 685-2308
  • Volunteers: Melissa Larson, [EMAIL="rivermurph@gmail.com"]rivermurph@gmail.com[/EMAIL], (860) 309-5231
  • Seminar Presenters: Liz Piacentini, [EMAIL="equestrianliz@comcast.net"]equestrianliz@comcast.net[/EMAIL], (413) 386-5600

The purpose of this Expo is to raise awareness about this endangered breed and provide a platform to bring owners, breeders, enthusiasts and the general equine public together. It was located in the NW quadrant of CT, and it hopes to attract people from New England, New York/Pennsylvania, and Canada.

Check out our speaker and demo rider list for the US Canadian Horse Expo on October 13 in Harwinton, CT! (In the “Notes” section of our Facebook page.)

Heidi Potter and Sharon Wilsie (clinicians, trainers and authors)
Kimberley Beldam (mounted archery)
Mireille Gravel (breeder and trainer from Quebec)
Dr. Ronald Emond (vet and repro Specialist)
Kelly O’Brien (clinician and trainer)
Paul Smith’s College (agricultural demos)
Lise Krieger (saddle fitter)
Jo Bunny (equine massage)
Liz Piacentini (sports psychology)
Dave Bradham (driving instructor/trainer)
Margo Killoran (Massachusetts breeder)
The Livestock Conservancy (rare breed conservancy group)
Equus Survival Trust (rare equine conservancy group)
Equissage Equine Body Work (integrated equine body work)
Amy Sintros (driving demo)

This is just a sampling and we’re getting more every day! How about joining us? Check our FB page for updates! www.facebook.com/canadianhorseexpo (See the “Notes” section for complete bios and descriptions.)

Tune into Horse Radio Network’s Horses in the Morning today at 9:30 EST to hear New England Cheval Canadien’s president Margo Killoran interviewed about the Canadian Horse and the Canadian Horse Expo! http://www.horseradionetwork.com/

We have a great day shaping up! Tons of speakers, demo riders/drivers, vendors, etc. Come and find out about the oldest distinct breed in N. America that is as beautiful as a Friesian and moves like a warmblood (and is warmblood eligible!). See the FB page for more info: www.facebook.com/canadianhorseexpo

this website is really user friendly and i recommend it.

I LOVE Canadian horses! I live in Quebec, where the breed was developed, so we see a fair number. When I was teaching, one of our smartest school horses was a Canadian (which wasn’t actually a good thing - she got bored quickly, but she was kind). My daughter’s leasing a Canadian this summer and doing hunter and equitation classes. They’re a very under-appreciated breed.

You couldn’t be more right mgarzon! Come down and join us! Camping on site is free! We are hoping to get a few more breeders from Canada down… do you happen to know of any that may want to come?

Check out our new poster! It lists all the cool happenings at the Expo. There’s something for everyone!

Expo Poster_Version21024_1.jpg

Check out all these educational presentations and demonstrations at the Canadian Horse Expo! You can audit a clinic, learn a new skill, network with some of New England’s best horse folks! All for $5! Check it out and see you October 13 at the Harwinton Fairgrounds in CT!

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The Canadian Horse Expo is this weekend! Mini-clinics by Phil Silva, Heidi Potter and Sharon Wilsie. Tons of educational presentations, vendors and demonstrations that show the versatility and beauty of this endangered breed. Something for everyone, no matter which breed you love. ALL FOR $5!! Saturday, 10:00-4:00 at the Harwinton Fairgrounds. One day only and very rare opportunity to see this many Canadians in one place!