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Canadian Riders to Tokyo

What was the carding controversy that Rob Stevenson resigned over?

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You know what is interesting is it is not the first time a horse was sent to the Games with a known case of tendonitis. Michelle Mueller was put on the team knowing her horse had these bad tendon issues and sure enough Amistad blew his tendon on course never to be competed again. They knew the risk and took it anyway. Is anyone at EC putting horse welfare first?

Doesn’t appear to be so.


Another perspective:

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Funding bodies have a role to play. They want results and can demand reorganisation as a prerequisite to providing money.

Still listening but wow this is a goody;

Kyle Carter for Eventing Canada President lol


About to start listening!! Thanks for sharing!

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Lots of interesting bits. Like the top Canadian riders don’t want a coach or TA because they don’t want suggestions on how to get their horses fit and bring them along, don’t want to be told what events to do.

They don’t want deeper rider lists because they will lose what little resources they get and have to share.

Sounds like some of our riders need to get their heads out of their you know whats.

Kyle is such a huge resource…EC should really be having him be there consultant.


Seriously, Kyle for President. Calls it how it is, love that, and is not wrong. Stop wasting money on High Performance riders who don’t produce the winning scores, stop wasting money on the young riders who just give up after their parents stop paying. Put the money towards the 25 year old who has chosen this as their life path and has the talent!

Where are the training camps, where are the coaches, where is the guidance. Stop spending money on lawyers and get this sport going again.

As we lose another venue in Ontario… Lanes End no longer will be running. So Dreamcrest, Lanes End, Woodwinds & Equus we have lost. Grandview has been for sale, we’ll lose that eventually. We’re dying in Ontario.


Don’t forget Canterdown! or Hawkridge, who was owned by the Davies mentioned in the podcast (who owned Columbo). They were repeatedly given much negative feedback about their (AMAZING) events and decided no more.

A huge owner for our sport and a facility that could have been another Bromont.

We are suffering HUGE losses in Canadian eventing.

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And I forgot Checkmate!

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… and Headwaters (majorly dating myself)


and Killusty and Foggy River :frowning:


Killusty! Like eventing at the cottage. Great memories!


I never got to go sadly!

Also Cedar run which was only around for a short time, but was an amazing facility.


Super interesting - thanks for sharing (though would have been nice to hear more from Emily…)

Two things stood out for me. First, the fact that riders can arbitrate team selection and file lawsuits is absurd. It sounds like it had effectively become a way to bully your way into selection. Would JP have arbitrated and sued EC for her legal fees had she not been selected…despite having a 19 year old horse who hasn’t been able to run at speed since coming back from known tendon injuries?

Second, why should riders get to decide whether to have a TA? They are asking for taxpayers money to compete abroad, so why do they get to decide that they don’t want/need guidance?

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USA selection for high performance also has a history of lawsuits alleging discrimination. in 1988 Kerry Millikin filed a complaint against U.S. Equestrian alleging that the selection committee had not followed the written criteria sent to the long listed riders. It is too bad the history of other countries was not discussed. The conversation made it seem that only Canadian athletes have the option to contest an alleged discriminatory selection process…in Canada the procedure is through Arbitration. As the result of several lawsuits in the USA, there is now a very detailed selection process, procedure, and criteria developed and published. The current USA selection procedure does still leave room for some discretion. However discretion is more limited than in the past.

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Thanks for the context - good to know