This winter has been particularly hellish in Northern Ontario, as well as the rest of Canada and most of the US midwest…
… it’s gotten me thinking about my post retirement plans. We will definitely be moving to a more temperate part of Ontario after retirement (3 years out) and then “snowbird” to a warmer drier climate for the winter months. DH and I haven’t totally settled on an area yet, but we’ve been discussing maybe Arizona or Texas.
Original plan was to leave horse on pasture board at home for the winter, but the “through horses ears” FB page has really gotten me thinking about bringing horse (or horses depending on how much DH gets into it in the next few years) south with us, to continue riding year round.
Has anyone here done this? What are the pros/cons, other considerations? Looks like border crossing isn’t that complicated, unless we stay more than 60 days (which we might) at which point we have “imported” the horse to the USA and it needs a border vet check to return to Canada.
What about bringing hay with us to do a slow change of feed? Can you bring hay into the United States from Canada?
Like I said, retirement is still 3 years away, and settling on a final “snowbird destination” would probably be a few years after that once we’ve done some exploring of different areas. Just wondering if I’m onto something here or completely off base.