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Canadians come out for U.S.!

I just read a couple of online Toronto papers and saw that Canada is not only behind us politically, but that they are shipping blood and people are lining up to donate–just as they are here in the U.S.

Go Canada!!!

well said Robbierox


I have seen this three times today but had no idea that it was written in '73

It seems that we are getting symapthy from other countries but who will actually pitch in and help us fight? That is the real test of a friend.

I watched CBC “Nation” program last night, on the cable TV channel CSPAN2. It showed how Canadians all across their country had spontaneously opened their hearts, kitchens, homes, and pocketbooks to take care of the tens of thousands of air travellers stranded at Canadian airports when most US flights were diverted to Canadian airports after ours were closed following the attacks Tuesday.

I’m an American who has never forgotten that 20+ years ago during the Iranian hostage crisis, Canadian embassy personnel in Teheran, at very great risk to their own lives, took in Americans and hid them from the Iranians. So I am never surprised when our friends in Canada show, time and again, that they deserve our utmost admiration and appreciation.

so yet again, THANKS CANADA!

My thanks as well for your much appreciated support! Reading some of your posts had me teary once again. We are truly lucky to have such wonderful neighbors to the north…

… and then the date at the end was the real kicker. The more things change, the more they stay the same, eh?

“Charter Member of the Baby Greenie Support Group of North America”

Agreed about Canada not seeming like another country. More like an incredibly close blood relative always ready to help. Thanks guys. We need it.

I went today, but was turned away because I’m below the weight limit . It was so disappointing, because in a situation like this one, you really want to help out, but being so far away, there’s not much else you can do. I think I’ll donate some money.


“Laugh at yourself first, before anyone else can.” ~Elsa Maxwell

Apparently, the city where i live (Winnipeg) has picked up the tab for all of the hotel bills and meals for passengers diverted to our airport from US destinations…we are by no means a wealthy city either. Anyone know if Toronto and other canadian cities have done likewise? Apparently the airlines (with the notable exception of Northwest) were unwilling to pay for these costs…

I just read a couple of online Toronto papers and saw that Canada is not only behind us politically, but that they are shipping blood and people are lining up to donate–just as they are here in the U.S.

Go Canada!!!

My father is currently on his way to New York to volunteer in the rescue/cleanup operations. (As a sidenote, does anyone know what they are doing with volunteers, ie. what he might be working on?)

I have just reached the age where I can donate blood, but I think I’m underweight.

Canadians are awesome! Imagine getting 17,000 people dumped on you to feed and shelter for days. Done.

I, too, remember the Canadians who rescued our people in the mideast 20 years ago. I was working in Washington DC then and on the building directly across the street from the Canadian Embassy a HUGE building-sized sign was hung up saying THANKS, CANADA!!!

We’ve got the best neighbors in the world. Please let your Canadian friends know that we in the US are very thankful and grateful. When the world runs us down, not all countries have a good word. Canada usually does, and even more important, their actions speak louder. Rest assured we’ll never forget it.

I feel for you as a nation and as our neighbour - i know that goes for all of us on the bb no matter what our opinions may be (and they’re no doubt as diverse as your own) on American foreign policy…

But what i personally wouldn’t support is the use by the US of nuclear weapons (“tactical” or otherwise) anytime, anywhere…no matter what happens.

As a heartbroken American, thank you. I have no doubt you also lost fellow countrymen in this tragedy. You have my sympathy in return.

Unfortunately, in the Globe & Mail this morning, a large Toronto, Ontario Hotel had instructed it’s staff to DOUBLE the cost of a room. The individual who spoke with the newspaper has outright refused to comply.

On a more positive note, my colleague has just arrived at our office from Cambridge, Ontario. On the 401 West outside of the Cami plant, a trucker has pulled his rig over to the side of the overpass and is slowly waving an American flag. She immediately started to weep.

[This message was edited by Quinn on Sep. 13, 2001 at 04:07 PM.]

I stood in line for over an hour today just to register to give blood only to be turned away because I had had a baby within the past 3 months. Apparently you can’t give blood until 6 months. There were at least 100 people standing in line at the hospital waiting to
donate blood…we;re here for you!

Of we course we are! You guys are our wonderful neighbours!!
I’m in Ottawa and it’s gotten to the point where all the blood clinics are completly full from open to close and you have to call ahead just to find a place that isn’t full. Unfortunatly I can’t give blood or I’d be there too.

When the ice storm was going on, people from NY and deep into the states travelled over to help us out. I was shocked when I found out one of the men was from somewhere insanly far away! He had see our problem on some news station, packed his wife into the repair van and drove for a day to get here.

We do what we can and are behind you guys all the way through this.

Quinn…I also heard that report about the hotel over charging. For those people I always feel that what goes around comes around. On a more humanitarian note there were 50,000 calls into City Hall on Tuesday evening from Toronto citizens offering their home to stranded Americans unable to get home.

They are now saying to wait till next week. Our blood bank is full!

I am so relieved, I didn’t miss month 4!!! This is month 4!