Canine kidney diet?

Does anyone have experience with any kidney diets for dogs? I have an older lady here who we just learned is in the very beginnings of kidney disease. Not even to “stages” yet, but a special diet is recommended.
I know there are some that some dogs just won’t eat because they taste awful.
Anybody have any recommendations ?

I’m sorry. My best advice is to get the prescription from the vet, and take it to Petsmart. They carry three brands - Royal Cannin, Hills, and Purina Pro - and have a generous trial/return policy.

Thanks. The Pro Plan one looks the best.
I may just resort to cooking for her. I had an elderly dog years ago who also had kidney issues so I just cooked for him and now there are some good recipes online .

That’s a great idea. In my experience, dogs become picky as the disease progresses. By making meals yourself, you’ll have more options if inappetence becomes an issue. Good luck with your girl. You’re a good Mom :heart:

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Thanks :slight_smile: I’m trying. She’s a good girl.

my dog was diagnosed three years ago. He is 11 now. Kidney disease is very serious. My dog is on Purina Pro plan NF kidney function. It is dry food and I put hot water in it and let it sit for half hour until it absorbs then I add a little can food or real meat. My dog loves it and will eat it without canned food. Kidney disease causes Nausea - so some dogs will be picky eaters. In the beginning of diagnosis I gave him sub q fluids every other day. He is also on blood pressure meds twice a day - benazapril. I do blood work and urinalysis on him at least twice a year. So far, he is stable and healthy. I tried a home cooked diet and it was actually not good for him so I am sticking to the commercial food, despite what some diehard diy diet people believe. Phosphorous is bad for kidney disease. so stay away from foods that are high in that.

Thanks!! This girl was a foster of mine with her mother and litter mates from birth. She was adopted as a puppy by a lovely young lady.
Unfortunately over the years life changed things and I ended up getting her back.
The young lady is still paying her bills and from the looks of it neither of us can afford a commercial kidney diet . It really looks prohibitively expensive

Not sure if this brand is available in your area, but they offer two low-phosphorus options, pork and lamb. Expensive of course, but I don’t know how it compares in price to the prescription foods.

My girl will be 15 in December and this is the 2nd year of managing her early renal failure. She is not fond of the Rx dog food, but Royal Canin has a dry renal formula that’s a little more savory so she gets that free choice, then once a day she gets about 1/3 can Hills Science Diet KD mixed with a jar of sweet potato baby food. She loves sweet potatoes so she gets those for treats throughout the day, as well as carrots, green beans and blueberries. She is doing great despite the fact that her diet is supplemented by horse and cat poop out in the barn. She lives for barn chores so cutting her off from those so she won’t eat poop is not going to happen at this point in her life. Best of luck with your pup!

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Baby food! There’s an idea! Thanks!

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Kidney disease causes nausea in a few different ways, so it’s just so very important to stay ahead of that. Nausea is such a hit to quality of life. Their willingness to eat, without you having to play food roulette, is really how you can monitor your nausea control.

Kidney disease increases acid in the stomach, so start with Pepcid. From there, add Zofran and or Cerenia. I vastly prefer Zofran but adding Cerenia has some useful visceral pain relief.

Once control of nausea slips, it’s time to schedule that last vet appt :frowning:

I’m so sorry you’re facing this with your dog.


Thank you so much.

Yes, commercial kidney diet is expensive, in fact the whole disease is expensive! There is a facebook group for dogs with kidney disease and they all make their own food. It is a very serious disease and depending what her chemistry values are, it is imperative that certain protocol be adhered to or they go down hill. I forgot, I also have to give a probiotic before each meal and that is $90. a bottle. Azodyl.

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You are so right, Simkie! I forgot to add that my girl gets a Pepcid AC 10 mg morning and evening. She gets it with her cranberry supplement as she started getting frequent UTIs since her dx. She hasn’t gotten a UTI since starting on the cranberry supplement (knock wood).

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Making the first batch tonight. So probably starting her on it tomorrow. Now to see if she will eat it. With chicken breast, fresh green beans, sweet potato and brown rice she will be eating better than we do lol

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I stole the following info from RJC on a recent kidney disease thread. These are the words of RJC - may be helpful to you.

I used the table below to calculate the grams (for large values) and mg for Phos/Potassium/Sodium for her 350 calorie/day needs. Then I used a recipe calculator ( to figure out different combos and fill in fat needs with butter or oil.

The best way I found to get veg into her (since she stopped eating pumpkin, sweet potato, or carrots) was to chop cabbage very finely and cook it with her rice so she hardly knew it was there. Until she stopped eating rice.

(ETA: I followed the Therapeutic CKD values)

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Thank you!!
For this first batch I have also cooked up some sweet potato snd also bought some baby food pumpkin and sweet potato to try if she doesn’t like the ones I cooked up .
I would have never thought of the cabbage trick!

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