Here’s the comment thread.
Folks are having much the same reaction to aspects of the visual design, so that should be easy enough to address, as they work their way down the list of concerns.
The speed is already much improved from yesterday, which was a major problem when the site first returned.
ShadyLady, I’m a little confused about your situation, as you’ve posted under your old account–I don’t think there’s any way you would have been able to reregister that same username, where the account would still have your old posts associated with it.
If you want to provide some more info, or send me a PM or an email with some more details about the process you went through, that could be helpful.
I’ve been told that a glitch with the password reminder system is being addressed. In the meantime, if anyone has trouble resetting their passwords if they’re not working for some reason, please send an email to instead of setting up a new account.
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